




1.卡加克Sharif)共76公里单回路220千伏输电线路、卡加克Kajaki)到坎大哈(Kandahar)高压输电线路等在内的多条输电线路项 …

2.卡贾基iper),进攻位于穆萨堡(Musa Qala)和卡贾基Kajaki)之间被武装分子用作活动据点的扎明达瓦(Zamindawar)。

3.赫尔曼德省卡加克露了上述消息。此外他还说,塔利班已经将另外一名遭绑架的阿富汗医生斩首,尸体在赫尔曼德省的卡加奇(Kajaki)地区,其 …

5.阿富汗赫尔曼德省的卡杰基名驻阿富汗英军士兵在巡逻时被炸死。据英国《卫报》28日报道,这名士兵在阿富汗赫尔曼德省的卡杰基(Kajaki)地区执行巡 …

6.阿富汗喀嘉吉人阿玛迪(Daud Ahmadi)表示:“昨天夜里卡加奇区Kajaki)有17名村民遭砍头,行凶者身分不明,受害者分别是2名女子 …


1.And a big hydropower plant at the nearby Kajaki dam should be able to pght up Kandahar for a fraction of the cost.此外,花费小部分资金,就能在附近的Kajaki大坝修建一座巨大的水利发电厂,照亮整个坎大哈。

2.THE Kajaki dam, with its turquoise lake lost in the rocky wilderness of southern Afghanistan, is an unusually scenic setting for battle.青绿色的湖上建着卡加克水坝,隐没于阿富汗南部的嶙峋旷野之中,作为战争场景,很不寻常。

3.One aim was to clear the road to the Kajaki dam to allow the refurbishment of a hydroelectric plant.一个任务是清扫通向卡贾基大坝的道路,整修一座水电站。

4.THE earthen wall holding back the turquoise lake at Kajaki has stood as a rebuke to British forces for more than two years.卡加克翠湖前方树立的土墙在过去2年多来一直是英国军队头痛之地。

5.A bargain to stop the fighting at Musa Qala, near Kajaki, has been particularly controversial.穆萨卡拉(MusaQala)接近卡加克,为结束穆萨卡拉战事而进行的谈判讨价还价,已经格外有争议。

6.Even so, the Royal Marines at Kajaki are now fighting on highly favourable tactical terms.即便如此,如今在卡加克作战的皇家海军陆战队,拥有的作战条件还是很好。

7.At Kajaki the Royal Marines are training local army recruits.英国皇家海军陆战队正在卡加克训练当地的新兵。