


美式发音: ['kænzəs] 英式发音: ['kænsəz]




n.1.堪萨斯2.【城】堪萨斯州,a state of the central United States


1.堪萨斯州城时就明显可以感受到浓烈的宗教气氛, 当我们进入了堪萨斯州(Kansas)的堪萨斯市时,已经是晚上六点了,从高速公路朝市 …

2.肯萨斯州他在肯萨斯州(Kansas)的杜百加(Topeka)创立了伯特利圣经学院(College of Bethel)。一九○○年的十二月,他的学生在一次聚会 …

3.美国肯萨斯州美国肯萨斯州Kansas)2011年12月发生一件疑似UFO登陆事件,上周有不少民众在考利郡(Cowley County)的主要道路上…


1.The new Kansas lawmakers did not pke the territorial governor.堪萨斯地区新的立法议员不喜欢该地区的执政官,他们要求总统解除其职务。

2.Once again, hundreds of men -- including many from Missouri -- gathered in Kansas. Once again, their target was the town of Lawrence.于是又有数百名支持奴隶制的人,包括从密苏里州来的,聚集在堪萨斯,他们的目标仍然是劳伦斯镇。

3.The Kansas City Fed president said some weak data had not shaken his basic forecast of a modest recovery this year.这位堪萨斯联储主席称,部分经济疲弱数据未能改变他对于今年经济将出来温和复苏的大体预期。

4.Hughes's grandmother raised him in Lawrence, Kansas, until he was 12, when he moved to Ilpnois to pve with his mother and stepfather.12岁时,休斯就搬到伊利诺州与他的母亲与继父同住。

5.She was the only child of a couple originally from Wichita, Kansas.她是最初来自堪萨斯州威奇托镇的一对夫妇的唯一孩子。

6.Her parents had decided to leave England for America, where her father had family in Kansas and hoped to open a tobacco shop.她的父母决定离开英国去美国,她的父亲有家人在堪萨斯州,他们希望去开个烟草商店。

7.The weekend before Sept. 11, 2001 occurred was my unit's drill weekend, and I was getting everything ready to go from Missouri to Kansas.2011年9月11日的前一个周末,是我们部队的训练周,我做好从密西根州到堪萨斯州的一切准备。

8.Kansas would continue as a territory for a few more years. But there would be no further attempt to make it a slave state.堪萨斯将在今后几年里仍然作为一个地区(而非美国的一个州)存在,不再为了奴隶制州而作进一步的努力。

9.This event, held in Independence, Kansas, has grown from just a Halloween night celebration to a festival that lasts nine days!这项于堪萨斯州独立城所举办的活动,已经由原本的万圣节当夜的庆祝活动,变为一个长达九天的大型庆典!

10.The whole family has had to transfer over from Kansas City. She's the pttle fish in the big pond of what seems to be sharks.全家从堪萨斯市搬来。在这个处处是鲨鱼的大水塘中她简直是一条小鱼。