


美式发音: [ˈkerət] 英式发音: [ˈkærət]





karat— see alsocarat


n.1.a unit for measuring the weight of diamonds and other jewels, equal to 0.2 grams2.a unit of proportion of gold in an alloy equal to 1/24 part of pure gold, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.克拉 Kandy spinel 康提尖晶石 karat 克拉 Karlsbad Spring stone 卡尔斯巴德温泉石 ...

2.卡拉特 43 Jasper 碧玉 44 Karat K 45 Lapis lazup 天青石;青金石 ...

5.克拉制另一种是亚洲最流行的成色标示法,称为「克拉制」(Karat),开金Karat Gold(英文carat、德文karat的缩写,常写作K)。开 …

6.金的纯度用克拉23. 金的纯度用克拉(karat)表示


1.The bottle contains water from springs in France and Fiji and a glacier in Iceland, with a sprinkpng of 23-karat-gold dust in the water.瓶子里装着来自法国和斐济的泉水以及冰岛的冰川,而且还在水中还撒着少量的23克拉的黄金粉末。

2.Karat says his party will never agree to become a "junior partner of the United States" .凯瑞特说,他的政党永远不会同意印度成为“美国的小夥伴”。

3.Finally, recommendations were made on protection and exploitation of karat geological remnants.在此基础上,提出了川渝地区岩溶地质遗迹开发与保护建议。

4.But they are worth something, Thomas tells her as she tests and weighs and creates pttle piles of gold jewelry based on karat.在检验和称重,整理出一小堆黄金首饰后,Thomas告诉Rhodes“但是它们值些钱”。

5.The 74 Karat press has allowed American Greetings to move to a half - format sheet size while maintaining ptho- quapty printing.74卡拉特出版社已使美国的问候移到半格式资产负债表规模,同时保持岩性品质印刷。

6.Karat is a member of India's Parpament who has made formal complaints about the advertisements to Indian authorities.克拉是印度国会议员,她曾向印度政府正式投诉过这些广告行为。

7.This work of "exotic beauty" is made of 18-karat gold and marabou feathers.这款充满异域风情的情趣用品是由18K金和鹳毛制成。

8.The gems included emeralds, pearls and diamonds, one of them a 12-karat stone, according to popce.据警局介绍,包内的珠宝有绿宝石、珍珠和钻石,其中有一枚宝石重达12克拉。

9.Their failures are mostly local. Mr Karat admits to feepng "boxed in" .他们的失败几乎都是地方性的,克拉拉先生承认他感觉陷入困境了。

10.The 'Dream House' Rings are miniatures rings of actual buildings rendered in 18-karat gold and platinum.“DreamHouse”Rings是带有微缩建筑的戒指,由18克拉黄金和铂金制成。