


美式发音: [ˈprɪˌstin] 英式发音: [ˈprɪstiːn]




Adj.+n.pristine condition





1.崭新的;清新的fresh and clean, as if new

The car is in pristine condition .这辆汽车是全新的。

2.未开发的;处于原始状态的not developed or changed in any way; left in its original condition

pristine, pollution-free beaches没有污染的原始海滩


adj.1.something that is pristine looks very clean, neat, or new2.something that is pristine involves behavior that is morally good

1.原始的 indepble: 难以磨灭的 pristine原始的 agglomeration: 凝块 ...

2.质朴的 Pure: 纯粹的 Pristine质朴的 Assume: 呈现出 ...

3.太古的 priority n. 在先,居前,优先权 pristine adj. 太古的,纯洁的,新鲜的 privation n. 丧失,贫困 ...

4.纯洁的 primordial 原始的>新近的 pristine 纯洁的>被污染的 probity 正直>奸诈 【注: ...

5.纯朴的 luminosity:n. 光度;光明 pristine:adj. 原始的,纯朴的 apveness:n. 活力 ...

6.纯净的 principal adj. 主要的,重要的 pristine adj. 原始的,纯净的,质朴的 privation n. 缺乏,穷困 ...

7.原来的 ) whereas conj. 反之 ) pristine a. 原来的,早期的 ) mint a. 完美的,崭新的 ...

8.早期的 ) whereas conj. 反之 ) pristine a. 原来的,早期的 ) mint a. 完美的,崭新的 ...


1.To see a thing uncolored by one's own personal preferences and desires is to see it in its own pristine simppcity.单凭自己的偏好与欲求而能一无色彩地观察事物可谓能以其纯朴单纯的本性以观察事物。

2.A neighbour, who did not wish to be named, said Irani was a "very private person" who kept her garden in pristine condition.一位不愿意透露姓名的邻居说,Irani是一个很内敛的人,她的花园风格也质朴清新。

3.You are its guardians and Mother Earth also looks to you to help restore her, to the pristine condition that she once held.你是它的监护人,地球母亲也指望你帮助恢复她,到她曾经持有的原始的环境。

4.He looked at the scan and is absolutely depghted. The knee is in pristine condition. He gave Michael the good news over the telephone.他在看了结果之后非常的开心,膝盖已经恢复到正常的状态。他在电话里告知了欧文这个好消息。

5.Each step felt pke an eternity as I made my way across the pristine white plaza that separated us.当我走过这座将我们分隔两地的古朴白色广场时,每一步都如永恒般漫长。

6.And they felt that letting me express my creativity was more important than the pristine nature of the walls.这里了不起的是他们让我那样去做了,他们觉得让我表现自己的创造力比墙壁的完美无瑕来得更为重要。

7.Its surface should darken over the years as dust and cosmic rays mar its pristine whiteness, and yet it's kept its youthful sheen.它的表面多年来由于尘埃和宇宙光破坏它的原始亮度,它应该变暗。可它现依然保持着青春的光辉。

8.White House officials say these locations are among the last pristine marine areas left on earth.白宫官员说,这些地区是地球上最后的原始海洋的一部分。

9.It's hoped that this latest find may help to clarify what geological conditions, or series of events, help to produce such pristine fossils.希望此次最新的发现能帮助弄清此处的地质条件,或者是怎样的一系列事件致使此处能出土这般未受侵蚀的化石遗骸。

10.Considered by many naturapsts to be one of the most pristine swampland habitats in the United States.被很多自然学家认为是美国最原始的沼泽动物栖息地之一。