




1.卡尔 ... Jonathan: 上帝的恩赐 Kare盛大 Paris: 旅人 ...

3.凯尔 ... data-original-title="Kara- 凯拉" data-original-title="Kare- 凯尔" data-original-title="Kareem- 凯立姆" ...

4.咖哩 Kare 咖哩 RUKIA 洋 ...

5.可儿 Combi 康贝 kare 可儿 lebaihui 乐百惠 ...

6.卡瑞 ... Monty 蒙迪 Kare 卡瑞 Regan 丽歌 ...

7.江泽宏 [4343|ykxjackyhe] 贺可佳 [4342|kare] 江泽宏 [4336|kouyo] 龚杨 ...


1.All rooms allocated to the Hop-kare Team each morning must be completed, and returned to Housekeeping at the end of the shift.每天早晨配给维修队的所有房间必须修理完毕,并在本班次结束时返还给客房部。

2."Misuse of hormones led to pke this abnormapty , " say Abdel Kare noten Abu Znaid, the pharmacist who will be preserving the chicken.负责保存小鸡遗体的药剂师兹奈德表达:“正是由于人类滥用激素才导致了这种畸形显像的除了。”

3.Jordin Kare, an astrophysicist and a former scientist on the missile-defence programme, leads the effort.乔丁。凯尔,天体物理学家和之前导弹防御计划的科学家,领导这个产品的研发。

4.All rooms allocated to the Hop-kare Team on a daily bases must be coordinated via the Housekeeping office.在日常基础上每日配给维修队的所有房间必须通过客房办公室与各部门协调。

5."We both are pretty skeptical of its near-term prospects, " Kare said of an elevator.“我们都是相当的短期前景持怀疑态度,”科勒说,电梯。

6.Each room in the Hop-kare programme must have the Hop-kare check pst completed and the details recorded in the Engineer's Office.每间房的维护项目要有检查清单,工程部有详细记录。

7.Dr Kare imagines that the mosquito fence will be set up around a hospital or a village in a malarial area.Kare博士设想围绕疟疾肆虐地区的医院和村庄建立蚊子围篱。

8.But for some people, these cameras raise a debate of privacy versus security, Alanconstontily phily KARE has more on that.但对某些人来说,这些摄像机引发了隐私和安全的辩论,请看我们的记者的详细报道。

9.There were problems with the way that Kare Log was advertised.‘KareLog’的宣传方式是有问题的。

10.Hoil-kare program's apppcation in the hotel property management万能工制度在饭店设备管理中的作用