


美式发音: [ˈsupərˌsaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈsuːpə(r)ˌsaɪz]




第三人称单数:supersizes  现在分词:supersizing  过去式:supersized  



1.超大的bigger than normal

supersize portions of fries超大份炸薯条

supersized clothing超大码衣服


1.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)(使)变大,更大;(使)膨胀to make sb/sth bigger; to become bigger

We are being supersized into obesity(= made very fat) by the fast food industry.我们正被快餐业催肥。

TV ads encourage kids to supersize.电视广告促使孩子变得越来越胖。

v.1.to change something for a much larger size; to become much larger

1.加大 ringtone: 手机铃声 名词 supersize加大 动词 agritourism: 农家游 名词 ...

2.超大型快餐 skinny: 皮包骨头的 supersize: 超大型快餐 deal: 份量 ...

3.超级眼 熙爱 CiCi 超级眼 SuperSize 邦女郎 Bond girl ...

4.甜心巧克力 Besconnew.gen 透明片月抛3片装 35 SuperSize 甜心巧克力 40 CupCake 混血四色 3…

5.大美目闪烁灰 GEO 四色 SuperSize 大美目闪烁灰... BESCON Sweety 甜心巧克力色 ...

6.扩大化 ... spam 垃圾邮件 supersize 扩大化 Swagger through the street. 招摇过市 ...

7.极大图片 ... Picture Pack( 图片展示优惠套餐) Supersize( 极大图片) Homepage Featured( 首页热门推介) ...


1.If you walk into a McDonald's in London, the clerk won't ask if you'd pke to "supersize" that.如果你走进伦敦的一家麦当劳,店员不会询问你是否要来个“大号快餐”之类的问题。

2.They are trying to grow supersize salmon by tinkering with the genes for growth hormone.他们正在试图通过修改生长激素基因来培育超大的鲑鱼。

3.The bully is a pair of supersize stars orbiting each other within a larger star cluster.恶霸双星是一对超大型恒星在一个更大的星团中绕着彼此运转的恒星。

4.Now I gotta get this steaming hot supersize cup of pee out of my low riding, two door MRAZDA MX6 without spilpng it.现在我必须把这巨大一杯热气腾腾的的鸟弄出我低速运行的双门马六,还不能用撒的。

5.I'm not saying that all the text on your web site should be supersize.我并不是说你网站上的所有文字都要大得让人吃惊。

6.you could be fat if you still eat supersize junk food.如果你吃太多垃圾的超级快餐,你就会变胖。

7.I glance at my supersize cup and shame it.我瞥一眼我的巨大杯感到很不爽。

8.But worries about having to print supersize calorie counts on their menus may have played some part.餐馆这么说可能是担心要在菜单上印制大篇幅的卡路里含量表。

9.It really hits you when you see the supersize buildings sprouting in Shanghai, or when you look at the world through non - American eyes.当你看到巨型建筑物在上海迅速高耸建起,或当你通过非美国人的眼睛看世界,的确会给你沉重一击的。

10.You can supersize your meal for only 39 cents extra.另加39美分您可以换成特大号的套餐。