


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kærɪ]


网络释义:韩国航空宇宙研究院(Korea Aerospace Research Institute);卡里;卡丽



1.韩国航空宇宙研究院(Korea Aerospace Research Institute)l control in East Africa. As early as 1993, the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) imported water hyacinth weevil

5.卡利 法提娜 Fatina 卡利 Kari 乌托 Uto ...

6.酮醇酸还原异构酶研究所,元素有机化学国家重点实验室 论文摘要 : 酮醇酸还原异构酶kari)是一个有前景的除草剂靶标酶,有关其抑制剂 …


1.Kari stared at the pistol for a long moment then put it back in the drawer.Kari盯着手枪很长一段时间,然后把它放到抽屉里。

2.In 1971 he set out with his wife and baby daughter, Kari for north-west Greenland to pve with the Polar Eskimos.1971年,他带着妻子与女婴卡里到格陵兰西北部与爱斯基摩人生活在一起。

3.Kari put a plate of cakes to the table. She heard a noise at the back door. It was Zeke, the family dog. Kari let him in.凯瑞把一盘蛋糕放在桌子上。她听到门后有声音。原来是齐克,是家里养的狗。凯瑞让它进来了。

4.As Kari pulled her coat tighter around her a mad voice suddenly filled the air, rising above the sound of the waves. "How could you? "Kari用外套把自己裹得更紧些,一个疯狂的声音突然盖过海浪声说:“你怎么可以这样?”

5.Kari had first noticed him in a crowd of onlookers when she was on a job for Vogue two years ago.Kari第一次注意到他是在两年前在《时尚》工作时,他是一群围观者中的一个。

6.The plastic surgery had officially laid "Kari" to rest and she was now accepting only variations on Catherine.整形手术已经正式让“Kari”安眠,她现在只接受Catherine的昵称。

7.Gripping the pistol, Kari peeked through the front-door curtain.紧握着手枪,Kari从前门的窗帘偷偷看着。

8.Kari Stefansson, the firm's founder, points to the ill-judged investment of his firm's funds in risky American auction-rate securities.公司的创始人KariStefansson指出他的公司错误的将资金投入了美国的标售利率证券。

9.He joined his wife, Kari, a web developer, at a summit she needed to go to for work.妻子卡丽是网页开发工程师,当她因工作需要必须参加会议时,瑞勒便会陪同前往。

10.He never returned Kari's calls.他再也没回Kari的电话。