




1.保持良好的情绪 ... 对大学生兼职的看法 opinion on part-j 保持良好的情绪 Keep A Good Mood 身体语言 Body Langu…

2.保持好心情 【英文作文】 保持好心情 - 佳中的日志 - 网易部落格 Keep a Good Mood 保持好心情用英语怎麽说._百度知道 keep a good m…

3.佳中的日志 【英文作文】 保持好心情 - 佳中的日志 - 网易部落格 Keep a Good Mood 保持好心情用英语怎麽说._百度知道 keep a good m…

4.网易部落格 【英文作文】 保持好心情 - 佳中的日志 - 网易部落格 Keep a Good Mood 保持好心情用英语怎麽说._百度知道 keep a good m…


1.Second, as middle school students, we should try to keep a good mood, which , no doubt, will be beneficial to our study.其次,作为中学生我们应保持良好的心情,这样才能促进学习。

2.If you want to keep a good mood, try to regulate your own moods. Remember to keep smipng every moment and think positively.想要保持一种好心情,可以学着去调节自己的情绪,时刻记住微笑,凡事都往好处想。

3.Get enough sleep, be physically active, drink plenty of water, eat nutritious food, and keep a good mood.保证足够的睡眠,多做运动,多喝水,吃有营养的食物,并保持良好的心态。

4.In my opinion, if we students follow these ways to adjust the state of our psycology, we will keep a good mood and study happily.依我看来,如果我们学生能按这些方法调节心态,我们就能保持良好的心情,愉快地学习。

5.It's a more of a way to keep a good mood going.这是保持好的心情的一种方式。

6.Keep a good mood so as not to get annoyed easily.每天保持愉快的心情,不要经常生气。

7.It is thus very important that they should keep a good mood.这就是为什么保持一个良好的心态是如此重要。

8.My pfe is haunted by pressure, so I need to keep a good mood.我的生活充满了压力,我需要转化不能心情

9.Faced with the fast-developing society, we should keep a good mood.面对飞速发展的社会,我们要保持一个良好的心情。

10.I think people should relax. It is important for them to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances.我以为人们应该放松,他们他们来说,在任何环境下保持一个好的情绪是很重要的。