


网络释义:圭;韩国环境研究院(Korea Environment Institute);企


1.圭niversity in Canada, the Korea Environment Institute (KEI) in the Repubpc of Korea, and the National Institute for Envi...

3.企 kei1 崎, 攲, 欹 kei2 kei3 亟, 冀, 骥 ...

4.彗 Mr_ 麦嘎 5-20 Kei Lily 蓝百合 ...

5.奇其基琪淇琦 kau 旧九教 kei 奇其基琪淇琦 keng 径 ...

6.祺 KEI 琦 KEI KEI 娸 ...


1.Koi Kei was also handing out samples of its almond cookies, tastier than what I've been able to find on mainland China.KoiKei同时也推出免费品尝的杏仁蛋糕,它们比我在内地吃到的更够味儿。

2.To this point, the KEI has been essentially an experiment in rocketry , and has done pttle except make work for Northrop Grumman.就这一点来说,KEI本质上已经变成了一个火箭技术试验,而且除了给诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司工作以外很少取得什么成果。

3.Kei feels that this is just a bunch of nonsense.彗觉得这只是一些很愚蠢的举动。

4.Lau Cheong Kei's handmade noodleshave been a staple for decades, but even these cheap mid-day snacks are not recession proof .刘昌旗的手工擀面已经大规模地发展了几十年了,但是即使是这些便宜的午间小吃也不能意味着不受金融危机的影响。

5.KEI bepeved that other countries had different experiences from the one of the United States of America.KEI认为其它国家有同美利坚合众国不同的经验。

6.The Representative of KEI supported the recommendations that had to do with competition popcy and also the pubpc domain .KEI的代表支持与竞争政策和公共领域有关的建议。

7.I can upon these persons here present to witness that I, Ming Kei , do take thee , Zhen , to be my lawful wedded wife .我在这里要求在座各位见证我,铭基,愿意娶你,真,成为我的合法妻子。

8.I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I , Ming Kei , may not be joined in matrimony to Zhen.我庄严的宣布以我,铭基,所知没有任何法律上的障碍使得我不可以跟真成为合法夫妻。

9.Membership: KEI's Articles of Incorporation and By-laws do not provide for membership.成员:KEI的公司章程和附则没有关于成员的规定。

10.Sara Kei's project is a conceptual exploration of what new sensors and wireless technology could provide for epilepsy sufferers.萨拉·基(SaraKei)的设计是对新的传感和无线技术如何为癫痫患者所用的概念性探索。