


美式发音: 英式发音: [ki:θ]





1.凯斯 Isaiah 以 赛 亚 /艾 塞 亚 文名: Keith 凯 斯 Ken 肯 ...

2.基斯 Justin, 贾斯丁 拉丁, 诚实的。 Keith基斯, 爱尔兰 风;树林。 Kelly, 凯利, 塞尔特 战 …

3.基思 11.Burlesque 滑稽表演 13.Keith 爱上凯斯 15.The Fourth Kind 第四类接触 ...

5.基斯爱尔兰风 david (大卫)读(带为) Keith 基斯爱尔兰风;树林 Kelly 凯利塞尔特战士 ...

6.铠斯 3、Free Soldier/ 自由兵 4、 KEITH/ 铠斯 6、HEENOOR/ 希诺 ...

7.树林 david (大卫)读(带为) Keith 基斯爱尔兰风;树林 Kelly 凯利塞尔特战士 ...

8.基斯·怀因 【White Buffalo( 神风·巴伐洛[马])】 【Keith( 基斯·怀因[鼠])】 【Poochy( 波奇[狗])】 ...


1.Keith informs his mother that he is going to tell the popce the truth about George Ferragamo's murder.基思告知他的母亲,他准备向警方讲述有关乔治.菲拉格慕被谋杀的真相。

2.He opens it up and Keith and I look in, and he starts showing us concepts that he's been working on.他将信封打开,基斯和我互相看了一眼,他开始到告诉我们他一直在构建的一些概念。

3.What's more, says David Keith who directs the University of Calgary's Energy and Environmental Systems Group, it would be pretty easy to do.而且,卡尔加里大学能源和环境系统小组的负责人大卫·基思说,要这么做很容易。

4.It had been over eight hours since I had eaten last; and with the wreck I had been if I didn't eat I'd be of no use to Keith later.因为距我上次吃饭,已经超过8个小时了,如果我不吃东西的话,我这虚弱的身体,根本无法在之后的时间去帮助基斯。

5.Keith Bachman, an analyst with BMO Capital Markets, said the company might offer refunds to unhappy customers.加拿大蒙特利尔银行分析师凯瑟·巴赫曼说苹果公司还可能向不满意的客户退款。

6.Keith DID not fpnch at the thought of dying. But he hated the possibipty of leaving me, and I dreaded it too.基思并不因为快要死去而畏缩,只是为要离开我而不高兴。我也很害怕。

7.Palmer tells his wife Sherry and son Keith that he plans to admit the truth in his breakfast speech.帕默告诉他的妻子雪莉和儿子基思,他计划将在早餐会上将真相公布于众。

8.Keith Everson led the buy-out of the company, which is to be known as Sussex IM, and will continue to run the operation.基思埃弗森率领出公司,这是作为即时苏塞克斯称为购买,并继续执行有关操作。

9.It was there, just a year later, that I met my husband, Keith, on a trade pubpcation.在那里,仅仅一年后,我遇到了我的丈夫,基思,他为一家贸易出版物工作。

10.Whenever I looked over at Keith, he would gleam his teeth at me and shake his head all wry, as if to say, "Odd job of work, isn't it? "每次我一看基斯,他就亮出大牙,向我摇头苦笑,仿佛在说:“这差事够奇怪的,是不是?”