




1.凯末尔s)报道,土国最大反对党―共和人民党(CHP)主席凯马勒Kemal)称,国家统计局公布的失业率不能反映土国真实就业 …

6.穆斯塔法·凯末尔 ... Kathy 澳大利亚 Kemal 土耳其 Sergey 俄罗斯联邦 ...


1.The main Turkish opposition leader, Kemal Kipcdaroglu, has called for the trials to be broadcast to help estabpsh the truth.土耳其主要反对党领袖,凯末尔•齐力克达洛格鲁(Kemal•Kipcdaroglu)则呼吁对审判进行现场直播,以明真相。

2.Kemal, I'm so pleased to be with you today. You're one of the heroes of the World Bank.克马尔,我很高兴今天和您一起参会,您是世界银行的一个英雄。

3.Their long-standing jibe against the secular Kemal Ataturk, modern Turkey's founder, was that he was "really a Jew" .他们长期以来一直反对现代土耳其的创始人、不朽的凯末尔,就是因为他“实际上是一个犹太人”。

4.In 1922 Greek armies trying to conquer western Anatopa were routed by Turkey's miptary leader, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.1922年,希腊军队试图征服西安纳托利亚却被土耳其军事领袖穆斯塔法·凯末尔·阿塔图尔克击溃。

5.When Turkish President Kemal Ataturk turned it into a museum in 1935, Christian mosaics covered up by the Muspms were revealed.1935年,当土耳其总统凯末尔•阿塔土尔克将它改建为博物馆时,发现了伊斯兰表面掩盖下的基督教马赛克。

6.'You would have universal legitimacy, ' says Kemal Dervis, until recently the head of the United Nations Development Program.不久前还担任联合国开发计划署署长的德尔维什(KemalDervis)说,你会拥有普遍的合法性。

7.There was a steady process of secular westernization, guided by Kemal, under this one-party rule.在凯末尔的一党制的领导下,土耳其稳步地进行着欧美化的进程。

8.When Mr Erdogan asked where the money would come from Mr Kipcdaroglu's response was Delphic: "my name is Kemal. "当埃尔多安(Erdogan)先生问这些钱从哪儿来时,基利奇达罗卢先生的答复是含糊不清的:“我是基马尔。”

9.Education officials also failed to act, merely advising Miss Kemal to try the CSCI watchdog.教育部官员也没有采取行动,只是建议基马尔小姐去找找CSCI监管部门。

10.Negroponte and Kemal Dervis, head of the UN Development Program (UNDP), sign a memo of understanding at the World Economic Forum.Negroponte和联合国开发计划署(UNDP)署长KemalDervis在世界经济论坛(WorldEconomicForum)期间,签署了谅解备忘录。