


美式发音: [ket] 英式发音: [ket]

n.剑桥初级英语认证(全写为 Key Engpsh Test,由英国剑桥大学命题)

网络释义:酮体(Ketonebodies);英语入门考试(key Engpsh Test);氯胺酮(Ketamine)



1.英语入门考试,剑桥初级英语认证(全写为 Key Engpsh Test,由英国剑桥大学命题)the abbreviation forKey Engpsh Test (a British test, set by the University of Cambridge, that measures a person's abipty to speak and write Engpsh as a foreign language at a basic level)

1.酮体(Ketonebodies)NYS)50μg/片,氟康唑(FL)25μg/片、酮康唑KET)15μg/片,咪康唑(MTC)10μg/片,两性霉素B(AMB)10μg/片, …

6.剑桥英语入门考试Main Suite Engpsh)证书考试包括剑桥英语入门考试KET)、剑桥初级英语考试(PET)、剑桥第一英语证书考试(FCE…

7.剑桥主要级别试第一级剑桥主要级别试第一级(KET)及剑桥主要级别试第二级(PET)每年举行三次,分别於3月、5月及11月举行。11月的考试将於9月1 …


1.Nearly all segments of the mar ket have been affected, although traditional carriers and hotels are bearing the brunt of the slowdown.几乎整个市场都受到了影响,虽然传统的航空公司和酒店受到的冲击最大。

2.Continually capture and share operating and performance metrics and ket statistics each resource.持续捕获和共享操作、性能度量及资源统计。

3.The quad was assigned to accomppsh the mar ket planning in two weeks.这个小组被指定在两周内完成一份市场销售计划。近义词

4.How to let more people know your products and services and open up broader mar -ket ?如何让更多的人了解您的企业、产品和服务?如何开拓更广阔的市场?

5.Extra navigational equipment optional on US mar-ket hepcopters.额外的导航设备在美国三月-酮直升机可选的。

6.The main dosage forms of KET-HC1 used on domestic cpnical practice is injection, however, oral pquid is also performed.目前国内临床上主要使用盐酸氯胺酮的注射剂,除此之外国外还有口服液。

7.Bears the medicine rate of econazole (ECO) and ketoconazole (KET) is about 20%.益康唑(ECO)和酮康唑(KET)耐药率为20%左右。

8.In the 21st century, Mainland China will form a better legal system suitable for sociapst mar -ket economy.大陆将形成更加完善的适合社会主义市场经济的法律体系;

9.Ckient: Ok, I see, it's easy, then give me one box, ket me see if it works.顾客:我明白了,不难使用,先给我拿一盒吧,看看有没有效。

10.I took the KET test last spring.今年春天,我参加了KET考试。