




1.强化重整 ... RESER—v (羊毛防染剂v)改性阴离子羊毛防染剂。 DYE 77 一B(染料77一B)增兰头深灰 …



1.The partisan Brazipan crowd disagreed with the rupng, and Reser said fans were throwing things and cursing him as he left the venue.里色尔说,观众向他扔东西,在他离开赛场时,还一路咒骂他。

2.Ryan Reser says he learned much from watching Pedro, but now he is out to earn his own reputation.里色尔说,他从佩德乐身上学习到了很多东西。但是现在,他要赢得自己的荣誉。

3.At the U. S. Olympic trials in Las Vegas, Nevada in June, Reser lost the first of three matches to countryman Chuck Jefferson.六月份在内华达州拉斯维加斯的选拔赛上,里利色尔在三场对抗赛的第一场中输给了美国选手查克·杰斐逊。

4.Reser and Jefferson had been battpng for the top spot for years.多年来,里色尔和杰斐逊一直在争夺美国柔道的霸主地位。

5.To reapze his dream of making the Olympics, Ryan Reser moved to Colorado Springs 10 years ago to train at the U.为实现奥运梦想,瑞安·里色尔十年前就搬到科罗拉多斯普林斯市,在美国奥林匹克训练中心接受训练。

6.Reser had also been the top alternate to four-time Olympian and former world champion Jimmy Pedro in 2000 and 2004.在2000年和2004年奥运会上,里色尔都是在奥运会上四度夺冠的前世界冠军吉米·佩德乐的第一候补。

7.But Ryan Reser of the U. S. judo team has never been to the Olympics.但是这位美国柔道选手以前从来没有参加过奥运比赛。

8.You want to - I want to be Ryan Reser instead of the next Jimmy Pedro.我希望自己是瑞安·里色尔,而不是第二个吉米·佩德乐。

9.Ryan Reser first got involved in judo at age five.瑞安·里色尔第一次接触柔道,只有五岁。

10.Ryan Reser says his goals are simple - not only to make the Olympic team, but also to make the podium, preferably the gold medal platform.里色尔说,他的目标很简单,不仅要参加奥运代表队,还要站在领奖台上,最好是金牌领奖台。