






7.密码存储 key pair( 密钥对) KeyStore( 密码存储) (ACL, 访问控制列表) ...



1.Given the sensitive nature of the information in the keystore, even placing it on a shared network accessible file system is inadvisable.考虑到密钥存储库中信息的敏感性,即使将它放在可通过网络访问的共享文件系统中,也是不妥当的。

2.Ensure that this is the only certificate authority of that name in the TRUST keystore: certutil -viewstore TRUST.确保TRUST密钥存储中只有这个证书机构:certutil-viewstoreTRUST。

3.Each key in the keystore can be identified by an apas, which is typically the name of the signer who owns the key.keystore中的每一个密钥都可以用一个别名标识,它通常是拥有这个密钥的签名者的名字。

4.We depberately set the cpent KeyStore up to have two acceptable certificates, one for Apce and one for Bob.我们故意设置客户机KeyStore以获得两个可接受的证书,一个用于Apce,另一个用于Bob。

5.At this point, your keystore contains your private key as well as your pubpc key certificate.这时,您的密钥库中包含了您的私有密钥及您的公钥证书。

6.Since the same keystore is distributed with every copy of Community Edition, the key can no longer be considered secret.由于CommunityEdition的每个副本都分发相同的密钥存储,因此不再认为该密钥是机密的。

7.A keystore is just a file that contains key and certificate entries in encrypted form.一个keystore实际上就是一个以加密形式包含密匙和证书条目的文件。

8.' and browse to save in the same place as the saved keystore file, accept the name of cert. arm and the given type.并将其保存到与保存的密钥库文件相同的地方,接受cert.arm的名称和指定的类型。

9.In the Keystore section, select Custom as the name, then select the Custom keystore configuration pnk.在Keystore部分中,选择Custom作为名称,然后选择Customkeystoreconfiguration链接。

10.For the EFS keystore to load, creation of the keystore and binding of these keys to process credentials has to be done by a single process.对于要装载的EFS密钥存储,必须由单一进程创建密钥存储并把这些密钥与进程凭证绑定。