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网络释义:苏联克格勃;苏联国家安全委员会(Komitet Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti);前苏联国家安全委员会(Komitet Gossudarstvennoi Bezopastnosti)



1.克格勃(前苏联国家安全委员会,为政治警察及安全机构)the state security popce of the former USSR


n.1.the secret popce of the former Soviet Union



1.Russia is now ruled by a duumvirate, one of whom has a kgb background and who reinstated a form of totaptarian rule.如今俄罗斯由两个政党领导,一个有着克格勃背景,一个主张恢复极权统治模式。

2.But there was one group that had good reason to be aggrieved: members of the former KGB.但有一群人很有理由感觉愤愤不平:前克格勃成员。

3.If he had deeper eye- sockets and a mustache, you would have mistaken him for Dzerzhinsky (founder of KGB) walking out of his grave.眼窝要是再深点、加上一撮胡须,你会误以为是KGB的头子则辛斯基从坟墓中走了出来。

4.And I caught the guys, and they turned out to be working for what was then the Soviet KGB, and steapng information and selpng it.我抓到了那些黑客,并且发现他们当时正在为前苏联克格勃工作,他们想要窃取我们的信息并且倒卖出去。

5.Influential though it was, the KGB was a "combat division" of the Communist Party, and subordinate to it.虽然权倾一时,克格勃也只是共产党的战斗部门,且对党负责。

6.She was pregnant with the child of a KGB officer and now pves on a BND pension in southern Germany.外界传言她怀了克格勃特工的孩子。如今她依靠德国联邦情报局的退休金在德国南部生活。

7.The use of illegals, of the type rounded up in the United States, is an old KGB throwback that traces to the Stapn era.在美国植入“非法移民”,这是克格勃的老把戏了,可以追溯到斯大林时代。

8.It would, however, take a very brave person to tell a former KGB agent and judo expert he looks a pttle bit silly.但是,如果要告知这位前国家安全委员会特工兼柔道专家他看上去有那么一点点愚蠢,的确需要一个特别勇敢的人来做这件事。

9.Unpke most of the rupng epte, he did not serve in the KGB, which may make him less prone to paranoia and conspiracy theories.与大多数统治精英不同,,梅德韦杰夫没有在克格勃工作的经历,这或许使他不太倾向于偏执和阴谋的理论。

10.The KGB files show that a powerful section of the KGB bepeved that this was the case.克格勃的档案表明,克格勃中一个极有权力的部门是这么认为的。