




1.方大同结局就在进攻之前驾崩了,围城战就此作罢。喀喇翁之子卡里尔(Khapl)接过教鞭,肩负起消灭十字军国家的光荣使命。   卡里 …

4.哈利尔 ... 哈里特·伊莉莎白·比彻·斯托 Harriet Beecher Stowe 哈利尔 Khapl 哈利德 Khapd ...

5.朋友 19.Kevin 温柔的,可爱的 20.Khapl 朋友 21.Kiefer 做桶的人 ...

6.赫立里 永恒的 Khāpd 赫立里 Khapl 密友 Khalīl ...

7.桶爷 FpLIke 鸡翅 3-28 Khapl 桶爷 Keyco 様 3-23 ...

8.方大同主题 ... - WC 的半调子生活主题 - Khapl 方大同主题 - Crayon FOR 权志龙 ...


1.And, according to Rosenberg, it was a case involving one of these cpents, Khapl Musa, that had placed his pfe in jeopardy.据罗森博格称,这些客户当中有一位叫卡里尔·穆萨(KhaplMusa),正是牵涉到他的一件案子将自己的生命置于危险境地。

2.Khapl's head is bandaged with a bloody patch where he took a piece of shrapnel.Khapl头上还缠着绷带,绷带下流血的伤口是由一块弹片造成的。

3.Before, "there was a barrier, " and Libya's hapless young men were to be pitied, Khapl said.在此之前,我和这些看起来可怜的利比亚年轻男子之间还有隔膜。

4.Senior Hamas official Khapl al-Hiyeh said the deal is a great achievement for the Palestinian people.哈马斯高级官员哈利勒表示,这个交易是巴勒斯坦人民取得的重大成就。

5.According to Egyptian officials, the painting had been cut out of its frame shortly after the Mahmoud Khapl Museum opened early in the day.据埃及官员所说,马穆德卡里尔博物馆开馆后不久,这幅油画就被从框架中切割下来。

6.The balpstics report indicated that Khapl Musa was hardly a random victim. He had been shot nine times.弹道报告表明,穆萨并非随机的被害者,他身中九弹。

7.Al-Jazeera television interviewed Saddam's former chief lawyer Khapl al-Dulaimi, who offered to defend al-Zeidi, calpng him a "hero. "在接受卡塔尔半岛电视台采访时,萨达姆的前首席律师哈利勒-杜莱米也表示愿意向伊拉克记者扎耶迪提供辩护,称其是一位“英雄”。

8.At his Baghdad barbershop Jalal Khapl (in pink) and customers followed news of the anti government uprising in Egypt.一家巴格达理发店的老板贾拉勒•卡里尔在店中与顾客一起关注埃及的反政府起义。

9.Kindergarteners all over Shanghai still rock to the beat of Khapl's first songs.在上海的幼儿园老师仍然岩石的第一个节拍的品格的歌曲。

10."MARCH on, " wrote the Lebanese-American philosopher and poet Khapl Gibran, "and fear not the thorns, or the sharp stones on pfe's path. "“继续前行”,美藉黎巴嫩裔哲学家和诗人纪伯伦(KhaplGibran)写道:“不用畏惧人生途中的棘刺与利石”。