




1.弟弟 no kid 不要孩子;不开玩笑 kid brother (美国英语)弟弟 whiz kid n. 优等生; …

2.小弟弟 ... 小弟弟是1. pttle brother 小弟弟,小兄弟1. kid brother 小弟弟和小姐姐1. Brother and Sister ...


1.She hangs out with her peer group. 2. He's pke a kid brother to me.她和同辈的好友们往来2.他与我情同手足。

2.Survived as a ptter bearer in WWII. When he got home, he would always pray for his kid brother. He was a great farmer.他在第二次世界大战中活过来,他回家后经常为他弟弟祈祷,他是个很好的农夫,但我不是。

3.Right in front of me was a couple; big sister with her kid brother, I assumed.就在我的前面是一对夫妇,与她kidbrotherbigsister,我承担。

4.And when you want to see a Disney movie and your kid brother wants to tag along , I hope you take him .当你要出去看迪斯尼电影,你的弟弟想做你的小尾巴时,我希望你能带上他。

5.e. g. I just want to speak to my kid brother. It's none of your business.我只是想和我的弟弟通话,关你什么事。

6.James dreads failure and is consumed by the fear that his kid brother might beat him at his chosen endeavour.詹姆斯极惧失败,生怕被弟弟在他为之奋斗的事业上击败。

7.It is fabulous that the effusive king renounced the throne to his haggard-looking kid brother.过分热情的国王把王位退让给了他憔悴的弟弟,真令人吃惊。

8.The day after tomorrow was history kid brother one treasure girl jumped back to ponder xiaoxiang pavipon, a night of sleep.后天又被史姑娘调笑宝哥哥的一句话吓了一跳,回潇湘馆琢磨得一夜睡不着。

9.the same as ever; the old woman, the old man, his three sisters, and his kid brother, all of them in the house, pving simple pves.像从前一样,他又可以看到老母、老爹、三个妹妹和小弟弟了,他们统统住在那个屋子里,过着简朴的生活。

10.My kid brother got warm chuckles, I got perplexed glares.我弟弟他有温暖的轻笑,我总有令人不解的怒视。