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1.齐克果西方自齐克果Kierkegaard)强调“真理即主体性”(Truth is Subjectivity)之后,神的绝对权威被削弱了,人可以主动选择自己 …

2.克尔凯郭尔对克尔凯郭尔(Kierkegaard)来说,基督教是不属此世的、禁欲的和论战的。对巴特来说,它则是“上帝的使人敬畏的启示,是照 …

3.祁克果父祁克果Kierkegaard)也是一名真正的基督徒;他想研究在自由派假设的前提下如何保持自己的信仰,其结果是放弃追求真 …

4.祈克果一九二九年祈克果 (Kierkegaard) 著作的新译本在法国出版,尚‧瓦尔据之为「存在」下了如下之定义:「存在意味着:选择、充 …

5.克尔恺郭尔克尔恺郭尔Kierkegaard)和加缪(Camus)的神秘色彩由于他们英年早逝的悲惨结局而更加引人注目。休谟65岁死于肠癌, …

6.克尔凯戈尔克尔凯戈尔KIERKEGAARD),又译祁克果、基尔克果、齐克果等,更有人将之译为基尔克果,取其丹麦文原义中的“教会园 …

7.哲学家齐克果哲学家齐克果(Kierkegaard)曾说:“我们往前生活,却向后了解。”这句话用在投资上再贴切不过了。这些误解正是世俗认知的陷 …

8.哲学家克尔凯郭尔哲学家克尔凯郭尔Kierkegaard)把厌倦感归结为一切罪恶之源。事实上,我也经常问公司高管们:如果你的公司一夜之间突 …


1.However, as the Danish existentiapst Soren Kierkegaard acutely observed, the end result of this is often a pfe that is empty, not full.然而,如丹麦存在主义者索伦•克尔恺郭尔(SorenKierkegaard)敏锐的评论:这样做的最终结果,常常是导致一个空虚、而非圆满的人生。

2.The Seducer's Diary, then, becomes Kierkegaard's attempt to portray himself as a scoundrel and thus make their break easier for her.该诱奸的日记,然后,成为克尔凯郭尔的企图描绘流氓自己是一个,从而使他们的休息方便她。

3.Everything that Kierkegaard articulates is only a reference to these great structural reference points.齐克果表达的这一切,只是提到这些伟大的结构的指称点。

4.Heidegger and Kierkegaard both see that the more the human being is conscious of his own endlessness , the more he can surmount himself.海德格与齐克果则皆以为主体愈体察其自己的有限性,却愈有自我提升的可能。

5.Feng Zhi also claimed that he had been influenced by Rilke and Kierkegaard during his creation of the Collection of Sonnets.冯至本人也曾声称自己在创作《十四行集》时接受过里尔克、克尔凯郭尔等人的影响。

6.In a certain sense (let us think of Kierkegaard), it makes people cherish it.从某种程度上说(我们可以想想克尔凯郭尔),它使得人们把这疾痛视为珍宝。

7.Scorning chronological order, I began with Kierkegaard and Sartre, then moved quickly to Spinoza, Hume, Kafka, and Camus.不按照年代顺序,我从克尔恺郭尔和萨特开始,然后很快看了斯宾诺莎、休谟、卡夫卡和加缪。

8.Soren Kierkegaard, The Great Leap of Faith, the nineteenth century philosopher.索伦克尔凯戈尔《信仰的飞越》,19世纪的哲学家。

9.Kierkegaard thought that having total faith in God, and thus escaping despair, was extremely difficult as well as extremely important.克尔凯郭尔认为,总有对上帝的信仰,从而摆脱绝望,是极其困难的,以及极其重要的。

10.In this part Kierkegaard discusses the merits of a social and morally proper pfe.在这部分论述克尔凯郭尔的是非曲直社会上和道义上正确的生活。