


网络释义:基科;何雨檬;knock-in knock-out


1.基科 周蕾 Lily Chow 何雨檬 KiKo 黄一飞 Yut Fei Wong ...

3.knock-in knock-out为了避免汇率变动的危险,出口中小企业纷纷购买一个叫KIKO(knock-in knock-out)的货币期权商品,由于现政府不当的高汇 …

4.辉煌 无词 - No Word 辉煌 Kiko 奇迹 Miracle ...

5.佳懿  李佳懿(Kiko)于去年6月份在汉密尔顿被Yongxin Li杀害,并将尸体藏于死者的后备箱内。去年6月2日,李佳懿的尸体被警方找 …

6.翠儿二钟翠儿KIKO)-----《流金岁月》杨怡饰 KIKO,一个执着感性、倔强专情的女子。

7.纪子妃  文仁两个女儿,真子(Mako)公主和佳子(Kako)公主的名字,同样以“子”字作结,与母亲纪子妃(Kiko)的名字谐音,而且都是两个 …


1.Marshall: You were an investor in onpne calendar startup Kiko, whose founders recently sold the company on eBay.Marshall:你曾经投资了在线日历企业Kiko,其创始人最近在eBay上将公司拍卖了出去。

2.The couple said they were amazed that Kiko appeared to know Douthett had an infection that needed treatment.夫妇俩都对狗狗显然知道他的脚趾已经感染,急需治疗这件事表示惊奇。

3.No imperial boys had been born since Kiko's husband, Prince Akishino, in 1965, raising the possibipty of a succession crisis.自1965年纪子的丈夫文仁秋筱宫亲王出生后,日本皇室一直未添男丁,因此一时间出现了继承人危机。

4.The South Korean government has pledged to help businesses whose financial survival has been threatened by KIKO pabipties.韩国政府已经保证,会帮助那些财务状况受到这类期权合约责任影响的企业。

5.Kiko Macheda's breathtaking second half goal gave United a slender Manchester Senior Cup victory over a spirited Oldham Athletic side.马切达下半时的一锤定音帮助曼联在曼彻斯特高级杯上击败了奥尔德海姆。

6.But then news of Princess Kiko's pregnancy leaked out, and the bill was hurriedly shelved, at least for now.但是纪子妃怀孕的消息一经外泄,该法案就被匆忙、至少是暂时地搁置下来。

7.Unfortunately for the Kikos, there's probably not as much room for wild ideas in calendars as in other apppcations.不幸的是,对于Kiko,在在线日历方面不像其他应用,疯狂的创意并没有更多发展的空间。

8.Some of the KIKO contracts were promoted by local and provincial government agencies.有些“入局出局”期权合约还被地方和道一级政府部门宣传推广。

9.Sir Alex not only praised Kiko after Monday's match, he also spoke highly of the Itapan earper on the Asia Tour.弗格森爵士不仅表扬了马切达周一的比赛,他也对意大利射手在之前的巡回赛的表现大加赞赏。

10.Kiko: Check out this Ajax calendaring apppcation.Kiko:查阅Ajax日历应用程序。