


美式发音: [ˈkɪmbərp] 英式发音: [ˈkimbəp:]





un.1.plateau region of northwestern Western Austrapa, near the border with the Northern Territory. The highest point is Mount Hann, 776 m (2,545 ft).2.capital of Northern Cape Province in central South Africa. It is located in a diamond-mining region.

1.金伯利 InterContinental Hong Kong 香港洲际酒店 Kimberley 君怡酒店 Kowloon Hotel 九龙酒店 ...

4.金百莉 Kelly 凯莉 盖尔 女战士 Kimberley 金百莉 英国 出生皇家草地上的人 Kitty 吉蒂 希腊 纯洁的 ...

5.金伯利区金伯利区Kimberley)中西区(Mid West) 卑利区(Peel) 皮尔巴拉区(Pilbara) 西南区(South West) 小麦带区(Wheat…

6.金伯利地区计划在澳洲金伯利地区Kimberley)投资7亿元建糖厂的中国私企老总日前对那些担心他“腰包不够鼓”的批评者予以反驳。 胡 …

7.金柏莉澳洲金柏莉Kimberley):隐藏在澳洲大陆的西北角,每个窗口都能看见风景。Tony Wheeler,《Lonely Planet》创办人)洛 …

8.金佰利西澳大利亚金佰利Kimberley)地区出产的钻石与珍珠拥有无与伦比的尊贵与浪漫。在布鲁姆(Broome)选购南海珍珠,这 …


1."It is horrible, " sobbed Kimberley. "He has turned me into a freak. I can't go out on the street now without people looking at me. "金柏莉啜泣地说。「他把我变成怪咖。我现在一上街,大家就盯著我。」

2.Corals may also have trouble coping as sea level rises and stirs up sediments, said Kimberley Yates of the U. S. Geological Survey.美国地质研究所的克姆波利·耶斯说,当海平面上升,沉淀物搅起,珊瑚也会有苦难当头。

3.the reference number of the Kimberley Process Certificate accompanying the transhipment goods, unless otherwise specified.另有注明,随转运货物夹附的金伯利证书的參照号码。

4.The Kimberley Diamond Mine (also known as the Big Hole) holds the (disputed) title of being the largest hand-dug hole in the world.金伯利钻石矿场(也称巨型大洞BigHole)拥有世界上最大的手挖洞穴称号。

5.Red balloon stamped by a yellow "kimberley diamond" a few words, really red match huang, merchant.红色的气球上印着黄色的“金伯利钻石”几个字,真是红配黄,喜洋洋。

6.Famous for its pearl-filled waters, Broome anchors the Dampier Peninsula, part of the famous Kimberley region in northwest Austrapan.布鲁姆坐落于丹皮尔半岛,那里是澳大利亚西北处著名的金伯利地区的一部分,以其盛产珍珠的水域而闻名于世。

7.Thomas's doctor Kimberley James, said that "This baby's totally healthy and this is, I consider, an average pregnancy. "托马斯的医生,金伯利.詹姆斯说“这个胎儿非常健康,而且我认为,这是个普通的怀孕过程。”

8.Kimberley officials recently authorized Zimbabwe to sell the diamonds, despite continued opposition from activists.金伯利进程证书计划官员不顾活动人士的反对,最近授权津巴布韦出售钻石。

9.Hefner was divorced from his second wife, Kimberley Conrad, in 2010 after a lengthy separation.在长期分居后,赫夫纳于2010年与第二任妻子金伯利康拉德离婚。

10.At the city pmits of Kununurra, population 2, 000, we'd reached one of the Kimberley's three main centres.在有2,000人口居住的小镇库努纳拉,我们来到了金伯利的三个主要接待中心之一。