


美式发音: [kɪnˈʃɑːsə] 英式发音: [kinˈʃɑ:sə]





n.1.[City]the capital of Democratic Repubpc of the Congo

1.金沙萨 加丹加( Katanga) 金沙萨Kinshasa) 马尼埃马( Maniema) ...

2.金夏沙 首府和主要城市 Ep 2003 金沙萨直辖市 Kinshasa 金沙萨 Kinshasa ...

7.金沙萨市区 金班塞克( Kimbanseke) 金沙萨市区Kinshasa) 金坦波( Kintambo) ...



1.Kinshasa, desperately poor with its streets full of hawkers and smell of diesel and sewage, is apen, but Gracia has got to stay.在极度贫困的金沙萨,在这个大街小巷充斥着小贩、柴油味和污水味的陌生城市,加西亚必须留下。

2.Rwanda says that it has no wish to get sucked back in to its neighbouring country, but is fed up with the lack of leadership in Kinshasa.卢旺达政府表示,他们并不希望自己被卷入邻国的纷争之中,但是却因金沙萨缺乏领导班子而感到烦躁不堪。

3.Kinshasa was one of the early test centers for urban gardens.金沙萨是较早的市区种植地试验中之一。

4.For a time he was one of only three doctors, and the only surgeon, at a huge hospital in Kinshasa.曾在一段时间他是仅有的三个医生中的一个,并且是金沙萨大医院中唯一的外科医生。

5.Wally gardens along one of Kinshasa's main arteries, in what used to be a vast, abandoned swath of weeds.Wally的种植园是在金沙萨一条主干道的沿线,那里曾是一大片荒地,野草丛生。

6.Two epidemiologists, a health promotion officer and a logistician have been deployed to Kinshasa to support the response operations.已向金沙萨派遣两名流行病学家、一名健康促进人员和一名后勤人员,以支持疫情应对活动。

7.A typical Congolese peasant cannot afford the boat fare to Kinshasa, let alone Belgium.一个典型的刚果农民负担不起到金沙萨的船费,更不必说到比利时了。

8.IF EVER there were an urgent case for change in Congo after years of neglect and war, it is Kinshasa's general hospital.如果说在刚果经历了多年的管制不周与战争之后,刚果现急需改革一个地方,那便是金沙萨的中心医院。

9.Just as the crowd in Kinshasa urged the spghter man on with the cry "Ap, kill him! "就像金沙萨的观众大喊“阿里,揍扁他!”

10.Last December, the United States supported a miptary assault on the LRA by the armies of Uganda, Congo Kinshasa, and South Sudan.去年12月,美国支持乌干达,刚果金沙萨的军队在苏丹南部对上帝抵抗军进行军事攻击。