


美式发音: [kɜrk] 英式发音: [kɜː(r)k]







the parish kirk堂区教堂

2.[sing]苏格兰教会a name often used for the official Church of Scotland


n.1.a church; the Church of Scotland

1.科克 King 金 英国 统治者 Kirk 科克 盖尔 住在教堂旁边的人 Larry 劳瑞 拉丁 月桂 …

2.柯克 dreamless adj. 无梦的, 不做梦的 kirk n. 教会, 苏格兰教会 messes n. 混乱, 脏乱v.弄乱 ...

5.克尔克 ... King, 金,英国,统治者。 Kirk科克,盖尔,住在教堂旁边的人。 Magee, 麦基,爱尔 …

7.科尔克众议院戴维斯(Davis)女士,偕同华盛顿州众议员科尔克Kirk)、拉尔森(Larsen)先生以及伊斯拉尔(Israel)先生向众 …


1.As if Mr Wagoner did not have enough to worry about, there is Kirk Kerkorian.似乎克•瓦格纳并不是很担心,因为其背后还有柯克•科克莱恩。

2.While Kirk acknowledged that this approach 'hasn't turned the pubpc sentiment. . . at least we have a good story to tell. '柯克承认,这种方法没有扭转公众情绪,但至少我们对他们有个交代。

3.It wasn't so much to do with Kirk Douglas running about and scapng fences. There was something ordinary about the film and real.不需要像科克·道格拉斯那样四处奔跑、翻墙越壁,电影和现实有着共通之处。

4.Some of you may have seen the oped that Ambassador Ron Kirk wrote and was placed in newspapers here in Kenya and across the continent.你们中有人或许读过罗恩•柯克大使的专题文章,该文已刊登在肯尼亚及非洲大陆各地的报纸上。

5.One morning Mrs. Kirk, mixing a pudding, nearly started out of her skin as she heard the thud, thud in her grate.一天早上,寇克太太正在和面做布丁,听见她家壁炉发出砰砰的声音,差点没吓死。

6.After the wedding, Bothwell and I walked out to Kirk o'Field to see Darnley and talk to him.婚礼结束后,我和博思韦尔一起出来去柯克欧菲尔德看望达恩利,陪他聊天。

7.Matt Van Kirk, one of the rover's drivers, described how the rover wiggled its wheels as it moved in hopes that would help.探测器操纵员MattVanKirk描述了如何在移动中,摆动勇气号的轮子。他希望,这能够起到一定的助动效果。

8.Kirk said the initiative would translate into jobs, as U. S. partners were forced to follow through on commitments to open markets.柯克说,随着美国的伙伴被迫兑现开放市场的承诺,这项动议将转化为就业岗位。

9.During the meeting, Kirk introduced a new strategic initiative from his office, called Trade Enhancing Access to Medicines (TEAM).在会谈期间,柯克介绍了他的办公室发起的一个叫做“贸易促进普及医药”(TEAM)的新的战略行动计划。

10.I also met Kirk Douglas very briefly a few years ago. I told him how he'd had a huge effect on me.我还跟道格拉斯短暂见过一面,我向他讲述了他对我有着多么巨大的影响。