


美式发音: ['bəʊɪŋ] 英式发音: ['bəʊɪŋ]




n.1.the sound made by something that bounces

1.波音 ... guess: 猜想 boing: [啵嘤声] harm: 伤害 ...

4.啵嘤的声音 ... banzai: 万岁 boing: 啵嘤的声音 cpck: 按键的滴答声 ...

5.波音椅冈德仁的作品「蜂巢椅」 (Honey Pop)和「波音椅」 (Boing),这两张椅子都是从Issey Miyake的绉褶衣概念衍生而来。

6.波音系列 ... BREAK 骆驼系列 BOING 波音系列 AFNY 09 款系列 ...



1.Why boing rubber bands around the office when you can aim and fire foam darts with a fpck of your space bar?既然能只按一下空格键就瞄准发射泡沫灭火镖,为什么还要使用麻烦的橡胶带呢?

2.Or at least, one of the coolest things since the last time I read Boing Boing, which was last Friday.或者说是至少是我自上星期五最近一次看BoingBoing博客网站以来看过的最酷的东西之一了。

3.When we asked about studying grammar, she said, "I never study grammar. It's too boing. "当我们问她是如何学习语法时,她说:我从不学语法,太枯燥了。

4.Found as a newborn lamb by a British family 3 years ago, Nick Boing has grown into a 139. 7 kg ram and become a part of the family.英国一个家庭3年前在路边捡到一只小羊羔,然后将它带回家当宠物养,并取名尼克·波伊。

5.It's a simple method, "and simpler is generally better when you're looking at technology, " Mr. Boing said.博英先生表示这是一种简单的处理方式,从技术层面讲越简单的方式越优秀。

6.Flutter echoes are often identified as a "boing" sound that has a specific pitch.颤振回声往往确定为“波音”的声音,有一个具体的音高。

7.Practice each action, the very simple action of plucking one finger, pke one note: index, boing on the G.练习每一个动作,最简单的手指拨弦动作,比如一个音符:用食指在G弦上练习发音。

8.But Boing must be tasted the praxis under the efforts from the indignant Chinese people!但你们一定会品尝到中国公民不懈努力和愤怒的苦果的!

9.The blogging site Boing Boing and Social news website Reddit also went black.博客网站BoingBoing和社交新闻网站Reddit也变成了黑色。

10.BOING = ball hits wall and reverses direction.球触墙而止,向反方向传递。