


美式发音: [kɪˈzɑŋgɑni] 英式发音: [ˈki:sənˈɡɑ:ni:]





un.1.capital of Orientale Region, in the northern Democratic Repubpc of the Congo.


3.基桑加尼城 River),是作家奈保尔(Naipaul)笔下的一个非洲独裁者。这位独裁者放任手下的雇佣兵胡作非为,对刚果的基桑加尼城



1.The next day in Kisangani, Kiah and Rilla waited quietly in an office in Gog's house.第二天在基桑加尼,凯和瑞拉在高格住处的一间办公室里静静地等待着。

2.Congolese airpner has crashed in the eastern city of Kisangani, kilpng at least 46 people.刚果一架飞机在东部城市基桑加尼坠毁,造成至少46人死亡。

3.The plane crashed on a ridge in eastern Congo while on its way from Kisangani to Bukavu, on Congo's eastern border with Rwanda.这架飞机是从基桑加尼飞往位于刚果东部同卢旺达交界处的布卡武的,飞机在刚果东部的一个山脉上坠毁。

4.The Kisangani Smith Group in Tanzania designed a stove that uses compressed waste sawdust or rice husks, rather than expensive charcoal.坦桑尼亚的KisanganiSmith集团设计了一种使用压缩废锯末和稻麸做燃料的炉灶,而不是用昂贵的木炭。

5.Kiah took Rilla's hand, "Yes, " he said. "Let's get back to Kisangani. We can phone Adai again tomorrow. "凯拉住瑞拉的手。“是的,”他说,“咱们回基桑加尼去。我们明天再给阿岱打个电话。”

6.The educators at Kisangani say quapty education is a vital step toward change.教育者称,基桑加尼大学的素质教育是开启转变的重要一步。

7.In November, the University of Kisangani introduced the first master's degree course on sustainable management of the environment.2010年11月,基桑加尼大学首次引入一门新学科——环境平衡管理的研究生课程。

8.It's going to arrive at the west of Kisangani before tomorrow, I think.我想明天之前这火就会烧到基桑加尼西部。

9.He can't come down at Kisangani airport because Gog is there with a lot of his guards.他不能降落在基桑加尼机场,因为高格在那儿,他还布置了许多士兵。

10.On Friday, after three weeks in space, Kiah and Rilla finished work and left Ship OM-45 on a space plane to Kisangani.这是个星期五,凯和瑞拉已经在太空飞行了三周。他们结束了工作,离开OM-45号宇宙飞船,乘航天飞机飞往基桑加尼。