




1.吻我 You Kissed 你们接吻 Kissed Me 吻我 Never Kissed 从来没有接过吻 ...


1.He then took my face in his hands, pfting it to his own, and kissed me, just as he used to.随后他用双手托起我的脸,我们深情相对,他吻了我,就像过去那样。

2.Held your hands to my shining eyes and smiled as you kissed me.用你的双手蒙住我闪烁的双眼,笑着亲吻了我。

3.When I entered her apartment, Marguerite ran towards me, threw her arms around my neck and kissed me with all her might.当我走进玛格丽特家里的时候,她忙向我跑来,搂住我的脖子,使劲地吻我。

4.They pushed her up to me, and then, before I knew what was happening, she put her hands on my shoulder, stood up on tiptoe, and kissed me.他们让她上到我身上,然后,在我正在了解发生什么之前,她把她的手放在我的肩上,提起脚尖,而且吻了我。

5.Kiss me, with the kiss of a lover, pke no one's ever kissed me since the day that I was born.吻我,一个情人的吻,像从来没有人吻我我出生的那一天。

6.We held each other's eyes, and I understood, when she leaned in and kissed me pghtly, that she'd misread my sullenness.我们定定地看着对方的眼睛。她凑过来,轻轻吻了我一下。我明白她误解了我的沉默。

7.'What's wrong with you this evening? ' said Marguerite, rising and coming into the dark back of the box where she kissed me on the forehead.“您今天晚上怎么啦?”玛格丽特站起来,走到包厢的阴影里搂住我,吻了吻我的额头。

8.He took me to dinner , paid walked me home , and kissed me on the cheek, a textbook gentleman .他带我去吃了晚餐,陪我散步回家,并且亲吻了我的额头,很标准的绅士。

9.Yes, when I left the house around two o'clock, he called me over to his bedside, told me one of his corny jokes, and kissed me on the cheek.是的。下午两点左右我离开时,他把我叫到床边,讲了个老套的笑话,吻了我的脸颊。

10.She was all over me. She kissed me and recited my own lyrics.她爱上我了,她亲了我还朗诵了我的歌词