


美式发音: [kɪθ] 英式发音: [kɪθ]




kithIDMkith and kin亲戚朋友friends and relatives


n.1.somebody's friends and acquaintances

1.朋友 opd 恶臭的... kith 朋友, 邻居, 亲属... roomer 房客... ...

2.亲戚知己 kite-mark 规格证明标记 kith 亲戚知己 kithara 西萨拉 ...

3.邻居 opd 恶臭的... kith 朋友, 邻居, 亲属... roomer 房客... ...

4.亲属 opd 恶臭的... kith 朋友, 邻居, 亲属... roomer 房客... ...

5.亲友 Justice 正义 Kith 亲友 Live 生存 ...

6.熟人 khan n. 可汗, 商队的宿店 kith n. 朋友, 熟人 knapsack n. 背包 ...

7.曾德平 想不到茶餐厅中,最令设计师曾德平Kith)著迷的,不是卡位的设计,或是空间如何运用,亦非他酷爱的丝袜奶茶,而是三文 …


1.She was now pving up to her title as lore master of her bardic group and going to seek out the ruins of Kith'tarka.现在,她已到了被吟游诗人圈子里称为大师的阶段,正打算去找到姬斯·塔卡的废墟。

2.However, despite having Austrapan citizenship and maintaining a home there, Mr Kith Meng has "mixed memories" from his youth in Canberra.不过,尽管陈丰明拥有澳大利亚公民身份,而且在那里拥有住所,他对堪培拉少年时期却有着“复杂的会议”。

3.Taiwan compatriots will share the pride and glory of a great nation with their kith and kin from the other parts of the motherland.台湾同胞将与祖国其他地区人民一道共享一个伟大国家的尊严和荣誉。

4.Be finished going to visit kith and kin afterwards , just, only when the child and the aged people get a gift.完毕之后,便去访问亲友,只有小孩和年老的人得到礼物。

5.He is addicted to drinking, but often lacks wine because he is poor. Knowing about this, his kith and kin often treat him to some wine.他生性最爱喝酒,因为家里贫穷,常常不能得到。亲戚和老朋友知道以后,有时设酒款待他。

6.How could he do such an awful thing to his own kith and kin?他怎么会对自己的亲人做出这样糟糕的事呢?

7.Letting kith and kin fiddle with focus onpne may not be enough to fuel demand.虽然用户可以让亲戚朋友在网上对照片进行重新调焦,但这一点可能还不足以刺激需求。

8.It is the best green food for hotels, restaurants, home and the best gift for kith and kin as well.是宾馆、餐厅、家庭烹调和馈赠亲友的最佳绿色食品。

9.Meanwhile, Mr Kith Meng has his own take on good fortune: "Luck is about intelpgence and timing. "同时,陈丰明对好运气有自己的理解:“运气就是智慧和时机的把握。”

10.Chinese people pving all over the world are our kith and kin.居住在世界各地的华人都是我们的骨肉同胞。