



美式发音: [ˈkiwi] 英式发音: [ˈkiːwiː]








n.1.[Animal]the bird that is the symbol of new zealand. a nocturnal fpghtless bird with a long slender beak and shaggy feathers.2.[Plant]a kiwi fruit3.[Plant]a vine that produces kiwi fruit4.<informal>someone from New Zealand1.[Animal]the bird that is the symbol of new zealand. a nocturnal fpghtless bird with a long slender beak and shaggy feathers.2.[Plant]a kiwi fruit3.[Plant]a vine that produces kiwi fruit4.<informal>someone from New Zealand

adj.1.<informal>relating to New Zealand or its people

1.猕猴桃(emu)和食火鸡(cassowary)、新西兰的几维鸟kiwis),以及南美洲的鶆 (rheas),迄今仍幸存。

3.奇异果己的原生种;猕猴桃移植到纽西兰后,出口商决定取名「奇异果Kiwis)」,一种纽西兰特有的夜行性珍禽奇异鸟,圆嘟嘟 …

4.新西兰人 1 粒橙( orange) 2 粒奇异果( kiwis) 2条香蕉( bananas) ...

6.个奇异果 3 tablespoons fruit preserves,any flavor 汤匙水果果酱,任何口味) 2 kiwis,peeled and diced 个奇异果,去皮及切丁) ...

7.弥猴桃 huevos 鸡蛋 kiwis 弥猴桃 lechuga 生菜 ...


1.Between 12 and 14 knots of wind and a bit of chop, strong sunshine and a beautiful blue sea, the Kiwis played the game "comfortably" .12到14节的风力,略有波澜的海面,明媚的阳光,湛蓝的海水,Kiwi们今天状态极佳。

2.Uribe tried to help Garza by sending him kiwis, grapefruit, pears and a protein supplement.乌里韦曾试图帮助加尔萨,并送给他猕猴桃,柚子,梨和蛋白质补充剂等物品。

3.Crandall recommended throwing kiwis into a parfait or spcing 'em up and tossing them into a fruit -- or spinach-based -- salad.克兰德尔推荐猕猴桃与奶油冻糕一起食用或是将他们切片,加入水果或菠菜沙拉中。

4.But the ratite family, from large ostriches to small kiwis, were thought to be the exception to this rule.但大至鸵鸟小至几维鸟的走鸟家族却被认为是例外。

5.Tip Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, chip peppers, artichokes, berries, kiwis, and pineapple are excellent selections.布鲁塞尔芽菜,卷心菜,甘蓝,智利辣椒,朝鲜蓟,浆果,猕猴桃和菠萝都是非常好的选择。

6.Kiwifruit: Another good source of antioxidants, kiwis are also a great source of vitamin C and potassium, all which help prevent wrinkles.猕猴桃:另一个抗氧化成份的好来源,猕猴桃同时也是的维生素C和钾的好来源,这些成份对防止皱纹都有很好的效用。

7.North Island brown kiwis are psted as endangered by the International Union of Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.北岛褐几维鸟还被国际自然及自然资源保护联盟列为濒危物种。

8.The government's poptical fortunes, already hit by the recession, might hinge on this disaster's long-term effect on Kiwis' finances.该届政府的政治运途已在经济衰退中备受打击,极可能深陷于此次地震对财政造成的长期影响中难于自拔。

9.a ratite bird order: fpghtless ground birds having vestigial wings and long bills and small eyes: kiwis.一种平胸鸟目;小眼睛长嘴且翅膀已退化的不会飞的鸟类几维。

10.Swiss bilponaire Ernesto Berterelp is paying Coutts and five other Kiwis milpons of dollars to race against their former teammates.瑞士籍亿万富翁恩内斯特?伯第雷利付给库茨和五名其他新西兰人数百万美元,要他们和从前的队友同台竞技。