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1.克莱因而克莱因Klein)为《W.迈泽尔》(W. Meisel )工作,他以与模特儿关系的密切互动而著名,善于表达从女强者到脆弱女性 …

2.克莱恩微软首席财务官克莱恩Klein)一周前在于华尔街的财务电话会议中称:“我们正在与供应商密切合作提供小屏幕触摸Windows …

3.克莱茵当代著名的精神分析家克莱茵Klein)和科恩伯格(Kernberg)认为,抚育者同感的缺失造成病人的人格障碍。他们认为,障 …



6.克来因克来因Klein)在《士师记》中胜利的反讽(The Triumph of Irony in the Book of Judges)2,一文中特别提到,基甸是所有 …

7.克连1868年一位名叫克连Klein)的德国人在摩押地的底本(Dibon)发现一块刻字的石头。由于石头为居 于底本的阿拉伯人所有…


1.BARBARA KLEIN: The Hersheys were unable to have children, so they decided to help needy children by creating a school for them.芭芭拉因:该Hersheys不能生孩子,所以他们决定帮助学校为他们创造一个有需要的儿童。

2.BARBARA KLEIN: As you might have guessed, woodcut prints are made out of wood.你可能已经猜到了,木刻版画是由木头制成的。

3.BARBARA KLEIN: Of all these artists, Jackson Pollock was the only one who grew up during the age of jazz music.芭芭拉KLEIN:所有这些艺术家杰克逊波洛克是唯一一个在爵士音乐的年龄增长。

4.Our story today is called "A Pair of Silk Stockings. " It was written by Kate Chopin. Here is Barbara Klein with the story.我们今天的故事叫“一双丝筒袜”,作者凯特。肖邦,这里是芭芭拉。克蕾恩为您播讲。

5.Klein is in London to kick off a global promotional tour for her new book The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitapsm.克莱恩这次来伦敦,是为她的新书《休克教条:灾难资本主义的崛起》启动一次全球推广之旅。

6.BARBARA KLEIN: Joseph Smith was the young son of a farmer in New York state when he saw visions of God and Jesus in eighteen twenty.芭芭拉KLEIN:斯密约瑟是年幼的儿子在纽约州的农民,当他看到在十八个第二十上帝和耶稣的愿景。

7.Klein that she was "a par the identity of a girl disguised as a pure crime of UNIFEM. "克莱认为她是“一个冒名顶替的骗子,一个伪装成纯洁少女的罪妇。”

8."It's a bit of a club atmosphere in here, " says Barry Klein, director of the Taylor boutique.泰勒精品店的店长巴里•克莱因说:“这里有点俱乐部的氛围。”

9.BARBARA KLEIN: College students from all over the world are competing in the United States Department of Energy's Solar Decathlon.芭芭拉KLEIN:学院的学生来自世界各地的的竞争在美国能源部能源的太阳能十项全能。

10.If I didn't do any of this, it would be 'aha, Naomi Klein is predictable'.如果我不做这些事,人们会说‘啊呀,内奥姆•克莱恩是很容易预测的。