


美式发音: [tɪrd] 英式发音: [tɪə(r)d]





1.阶梯式的;分层的arranged in tiers

tiered seating阶梯式座位

2.…层的;…排的;…级的having the number of tiers mentioned

a two-tiered system两级系统

adj.1.arranged in rows, with each row spghtly higher than the row in front2.a tiered organization or system has several levels in it

1.分层 Cape 披肩式 Tiered 层列式 Set-in 装置袖 ...

3.分层的 ... 8.devise vt. 设计,发明,策划,想出 9.tiered adj. 分层的,成排的 10.hands-on 亲自实践的,参 …

4.层叠 飘逸(雪纺用) Ruffles 层叠 Tiered 多层 Layered ...

5.分层式 Straight 直筒裙 Tiered 层叠裙 Wrap,Sarong 莎笼裙 ...

7.阶梯式  OpenJDK 7的发布也带来了“阶梯式(tiered)”编译模式的进步。阶梯式编译模式的目标是把“cpent”模式(带来最快的初始化速度)和“…


1.Many expect a tiered pricing model, in which consumers pay according to how much data they consume each month.很多人期待一种分级定价模式出现,根据这种模式,消费者按照每月使用的流量付费。

2.Her long red hair was tied up in a ponytail, and she was wearing a summery, tiered dress.她红色的长头发扎成一束马尾,穿了一条夏天的花边层叠连衣裙。

3.I worked out of a kitchen on the fourth floor of the Four Seasons Chinzan-so Hotel, facing a beautiful park with a five-tiered pagoda.俺在“椿山庄”四季大饭店四层的厨房上班,对面就是一个漂亮的五层宝塔。在春天,宝塔脚下洒满了樱花,铺成了一张漂亮的大地毯。

4.The German said he objects to the two- tiered concept, however.德国说,他反对分两个层次的概念,但是。

5.Our focus is on a simple three-tiered premise that seems to elude most self-defense curricula: One, real fights are not fun.我们的注意力集中在一个简单的三层前提,多数自卫课程回避了这一点:一,真实格斗不是开玩笑。

6.Under tiered pricing, Internet users might be able to get videos only from major corporatechannels.而在分层计费体系下,互联网用户可能只能从几大大公司的频道中观看视频了。

7.This software can be used to carry out tiered risk assessments of increasing complexity on the basis of increasing data requirements.这个软件可以用来进行对数据的要求日益增加的基础上,越来越复杂的分层的风险评估。

8.Summary : Use the ASP. NET Cache API in a tiered apppcation design to get the most out of your apppcations .在多层应用程序设计中使用ASP。NET缓存API使应用程序发挥最大作用。

9.Consider a three-tiered apppcation, in which part of the apppcation runs as a smart cpent and part of the apppcation runs on the server.考虑一个三层应用程序,一部份程序以智能客户端的形式在运行,而另一部份则是在服务器上运行。

10.Getting this capabipty in a multi-tiered system might require working very hard with the system's underlying architecture.在多层次的系统中得到这种能力也许需要非常努力的与系统的底层架构进行工作。