




1.刀叉 sort of 差不多 knives and forks 刀叉 knock oneself out on something 在……上花大功夫,下大力气 ...

2.西方的刀叉子(ladle)、盘子(plate)等,它们分别与西方的刀叉knives and forks)、铁匙(spoon)及碗(bowl)相对应。

3.刀和叉 Pre-Forking 预分支 ...knives and forks. ...刀和叉。 We arrived at a fork in the road. 我们来到了该路的一个岔口。 ...


1.The dinner wasn't served yet. A cripple was running in and out with dishes and knives and forks and bottles of wine.饭还没有端上来,一个跛子跑进跑出,拿盘子、刀叉和酒瓶。

2.In the British Isles and Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland) special knives and forks are used for eating fish.在不列颠诸岛和斯堪的那维亚(包括挪威,瑞典,丹麦和冰岛)在吃鱼时都有专用的刀和叉。

3.It was difficult to tell that anyone had stayed here. Plates, cups, knives and forks had been carefully tidied away.难以判断有人在这里呆过,盘,碗,刀,叉都放得整整齐齐。

4.The two sets of knives and forks and spoons were in his pocket with a paper napkin wrapped around each set.在他的口里,还有两组包在餐巾纸里的刀叉和汤匙。

5.Chopsticks are only used when people Chinese food Knives and forks are used for most western food.筷子只能用来当人们中国食品刀和叉是用来大多数西方食物。

6.Chopsticks and knives and forks, rather than being incompatible, are just symbols of two different cultures.我想说的第二点是,筷子与刀叉并非水火不容,只是代表着两种不同的文化。

7.As late as 1897, sailors in the British Navy were not permitted to use knives and forks because using them was considered unmanly .一直到1897年,英国海军的船员还不允许用刀和叉吃饭,因为用刀叉吃饭被认为是没有男人气概的。

8.On it were arranged seven pttle plates, seven pttle spoons, seven pttle knives and forks, and seven mugs.上面摆着7个小盘子,7个小汤匙,7把小刀子和叉子,还有7个马克杯。

9.A very common and interesting thing is we chinese use chopsticks to eat while most of the westerners use knives and forks .一个很常见并且有趣的事是,中国人吃饭是用筷子而大多数西方人是用刀和叉子。

10.They take their food from a common plate. With similar knives and forks they use; with similar laces they tie their shoes.他们从与我们相同的盘子中取来食物,用相似的刀和叉,打相似的领带,穿一样的鞋。