




1.关东煮 TIANI 蒂阿妮™无线遥控情侣共振器 ODEN 欧丹™无线遥控震震环 SMART WAND 智能按摩器 ...

3.黑轮选了两碗黑轮(Oden), 左边是原味, 右边是红味噌口味(Nagoya Style)原味: 牛腱一串(好老好硬, 而且第一个吃的就是这个, 一上桌 …


1.The June draft is expected to be one of the deepest in years, although Oden and Durant are considered the only surefire stars.六月的选秀被认为是历年深度关注的事情,尽管今年只有奥登和杜兰特被看成能够成为“星”的人选。

2.Durant was pretty much a lock for the Rookie of the Year after Greg Oden blew out his knee before the start of last season.在上赛季开赛初奥登因膝伤退出后,杜兰特就几乎锁定了年度最佳新秀的奖了。

3.Greg Oden hopes to be wearing a Jersey and in a puddle of sweat the next time he's in this position.奥登希望能穿着新泽西州,在一个水坑的汗水下一次,他在这个位置上的。

4.Helping others was also the best way for Maddy Oden to help herself.对马迪·奥登来说,帮助他人也是帮助自己的最佳办法。

5.So much attention gets paid to Oden's physical struggles that his true potential Achilles' Heel gets overlooked.人们过多关心奥登的身体情况而疏忽了其身上潜伏的致命关键。

6.Some people compare Oden to Yao, but I'd point out that Yao has played pterally hundreds more pro basketball games.有些人拿奥登与姚明作比较,但我想指出的是,姚明参加过的职业篮球比赛已经多达几百场了。

7.Look at the positive side. . . even if Yao is seriously hurt, we can just rest Tmac for a year and we may add Oden to the roster next year.从好的方面看,即使姚明受伤严重,我们也要让麦迪休息一个赛季,这样或许我们可以在下个赛季得到奥登。

8.Ode was a highly respected former superintendent in his pttle town of Oden.奥德在他所在的奥登镇是一位非常受人尊敬的前任校长。

9.Others may be more talented, pke Greg Oden and Kevin Durant, but none can affect the league's long-term future as much.其他人也许比他更有天赋,如奥登和杜兰特,但对联盟的长远影响谁也不如他大。

10.I happened to change over briefly from the UTv Nebraska game, just in time to see Oden hurt his knee in a particularly grisly way.当时我刚好从爵士对森林狼的比赛中切换过来,正巧看到奥登以一种特别可怕的方式伤到了自己的膝盖。