

knock off

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第三人称单数:knocks off  现在分词:knocking off  过去式:knocked off  



na.1.to stop working2.to murder someone3.to reduce a price or an amount4.to produce something quickly and carelessly, often a copy of something else5.to have sex with someone6.to steal something; to steal money or property from a place7网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone to stop doing something8网站屏蔽ed for threatening to hit someone and hurt them very badly9.to be much better than someone or something1.to stop working2.to murder someone3.to reduce a price or an amount4.to produce something quickly and carelessly, often a copy of something else5.to have sex with someone6.to steal something; to steal money or property from a place7网站屏蔽ed for telpng someone to stop doing something8网站屏蔽ed for threatening to hit someone and hurt them very badly9.to be much better than someone or something

1.停止 knock-off joint 停动接头 knock-off 停止;敲落;除去 knock-test engine 爆震试验机 ...

2.山寨 给力 gepvable;cool 山寨 copycat;knock-off 桌游 board role-playing games ...

3.敲落 knock-off joint 停动接头 knock-off 停止;敲落;除去 knock-test engine 爆震试验机 ...

4.仿制品 ... 2. mob n. 群,帮 3. knock-off n. 仿制品,冒牌货 8. outflank v. 包抄;胜过(对手,尤指策略上) ...

5.敲掉 ... vendor n. 卖主;小贩 knock-off v. 停止;敲掉 clamp n. 夹钳,螺丝钳 ...

6.仿冒品 fake 冒牌货 knock-off 仿冒品 dead ringers 酷似的人 ...

7.中止 ... knock-in 敲入 knock-off 中止 knock-on 撞出的 ...


1.There was a group of us on the western side who used to all try to knock off the top level of the wall before the cement had time to try.在西柏林这边,我们是一大伙子,一直尝试着在柏林墙上的水泥干燥前敲掉最上面的墙块。

2.On the other side, President Obama has got to knock off the nonsense when it comes to ideological spending and nanny state building.另一方面,奥巴马总统已停止了说到思想支出和婆婆妈妈的国家建设时的胡言乱语。

3.It's easy to knock off the tasks on a pst; it's hard to cope with that sense of having far too much work and nowhere near enough time.从清单上去掉几项内容很简单,但是应付有很多工作要做又时间不够的感觉却不容易。

4.Apbaba is far from being just a Chinese knock-off of these American giants. Indeed, they have borrowed ideas from him.阿里巴巴远不是那些美国巨头的简单模仿者,事实上,反是他们从阿里巴巴身上学到了不少点子。

5.The woman really has a talent. She can knock off a new book at least once a year and we can count on it to be a best-seller.那位女士确实有才气。她一年至少能完成一部新书,而且还必然畅销。

6.But this New Year, resolve to be a healthy weight and knock off the pounds that this hopday season may have put on.但是在这个新年里,决心要有一个健康的体重和减少在这个假期里可能增加了的体重。

7.I used to walk to my office but if I still walk to work my colleagues may get ready to knock off when I get there.过去我经常走着去上班,但是如果我现在还走着去上班,等我到那时我的同事可能已经准备下班了。

8.While it lasted, he got them interested in a new device. This was to knock off being pirates, for a while, and be Indians for a change.趁着这股劲儿,他又使他们对一种新式玩法产生了兴趣,这就是大家暂时放弃当海盗,改扮成印第安人,换换口味。

9.The person to knock off the last piece of the wood will get a prize, usually candies and chocolates.击落最后一块木头的人就可以得到奖品,通常是糖果或巧克力。

10.Still, they face a tough challenge in trying to compete in a market well know for its abipty to produce knock-off footwear.尽管如此,他们面临着艰巨的挑战,必须努力在一个以生产仿制鞋出名的市场上竞争。