



美式发音: [nɑk] 英式发音: [nɒk]




第三人称单数:knocks  现在分词:knocking  过去式:knocked  同义词反义词



v.criticize,slam,put down,disparage,colpde


v.1.敲,打,击;敲掉,去掉2.使碰撞;撞倒;凿打(洞等)3.〈英俚〉使震惊,给...强烈印象4.〈美口〉找...岔子,对...挑剔,糟蹋5.敲,打,击 (at; on)6.碰,撞7.(机器发生毛病)发出爆击声8.〈美俚〉找岔子,说坏话9.奔忙,忙乱1.敲,打,击;敲掉,去掉2.使碰撞;撞倒;凿打(洞等)3.〈英俚〉使震惊,给...强烈印象4.〈美口〉找...岔子,对...挑剔,糟蹋5.敲,打,击 (at; on)6.碰,撞7.(机器发生毛病)发出爆击声8.〈美俚〉找岔子,说坏话9.奔忙,忙乱


v.1.to hit something, causing damage or harm; to hit something and force it somewhere; to hit someone very hard, so that they fall or become unconscious; to hit a ball; to make a hole or space in something by hitting it many times2.if an engine or machine knocks, it makes noises that show it is not working correctly3.to criticize someone or something in a way that seems unfair4.to hit a door with your hand or a knocker so that someone inside knows you are there1.to hit something, causing damage or harm; to hit something and force it somewhere; to hit someone very hard, so that they fall or become unconscious; to hit a ball; to make a hole or space in something by hitting it many times2.if an engine or machine knocks, it makes noises that show it is not working correctly3.to criticize someone or something in a way that seems unfair4.to hit a door with your hand or a knocker so that someone inside knows you are there

n.1.the sound of someone knocking on a door; a series of noises that an engine or machine makes when it is not working correctly2.an injury or damage caused by being knocked; an instance of knocking someone or something3.something bad or unpleasant that happens to someone

1.敲打 knob: 门、抽屉把手 knocks敲打 london 伦敦 ...

2.敲门 will 表将来 knocks 敲门 will miss 错过许多次的机会 ...

3.花儿的开放 3.With dower of bird and bud,knocks 鸟儿的轻鸣,花儿的开放 4.With dower of bird and bud,knocks 伴随鸟儿和花蕾的天赐 ...


1.Lincoln takes the IV needle out his arm and calls Michael's name into the grate, Michael excitedly knocks back against the new metal plate.Lincoln拔掉手臂上的静脉注射针,在栅栏处大声叫唤Michael的名字,Michael激动地敲击新的金属管道向他做出回应。

2.Back home, she knocks me down with a roundhouse, puts her boot on the back of my neck and executes me with a bullet to the back of the head.回到家后,她用一击勾拳把我打趴下,把鞋放在我的脖子后,似乎要用子弹把我给枪决了。

3.The horseman who knocks off the last piece of wood will get a prize cup and a wreath will put around the horse's neck.击落最后一片木块的骑士获得奖杯,马也给带上花环。

4.Eat an apple before going to bed, knocks the doctor on the head.吃个苹果上床睡觉之前,敲着医生的头。

5."Someone will come round and take your rubbish away, or mend your fence. The next time he knocks it's to ask for your vote, " he says.他说“有人会来看望你并清理掉你的垃圾,或者修补好你的篱笆,下次他就来敲门拉取你的选票”。

6.Knocks Ball Past Opponent - Likes to knock the ball past an opponent and attempt to run around him and pick up the ball again.人球分过-喜欢把球踢过对方球员,然后尝试绕着对方球员跑过去重新接球。

7.What really irks the Krempn is that Mr Yanukovych is trying to get lower gas prices from Russia even as he knocks at the EU's door.真正给克林姆林宫带去烦恼的是,甚至在亚努科维奇敲开欧盟大门的同时,他还正试图从俄罗斯那里得到更低的天然气价格。

8.My business is to see she gets no more knocks, and that I shall carefully attend to.我的责任是使她不再受到这样的打击,对于这一点我会认真对待。

9.And if he knocks out the tooth of a manservant or maidservant, he must let the servant go free to compensate for the tooth.若打掉了他奴仆或是婢女的一个牙,就要因他的牙放他去得以自由。

10.Unless he knocks up a one-night stand, Leo's got some time before he fathers a beautiful (you know it's gonna be) child.除非他不小心把一个一夜情对象的肚子给搞大了,我估计我们还要等很久很久。