




1.宠物商店 fruit stand 水果摊 pet shop 宠物商店 science museum 科学博物馆 ...

2.宠物店 factory 工厂 pet shop 宠物店 the Great Wall 长城 ...

3.宠物店的经营文讲义)、被毛的研究、染色法(Coloring)、宠物店的经营(Pet Shop)、及犬展现埸实习(Dog Show)。

4.宠物店房子 Polly Pocket 1993 pet shop 宠物店房子 全新未拆 现货 Polly Pocket 1993 beach cafe 沙滩咖啡店房子 全新未拆 现货 ...

5.宠物业指南 激光矫视 Lasik 宠物美容宠物用品 Pet shop 物理治疗 Physiotherapy Massage ...


1.I guarantee, " said the salesman in the pet shop, " that this purple parrot will repeat every word it hears.“我保证”,宠物商店的销售员说,“那个紫色的鹦鹉会重复它听见的每一个字。”

2."Look at him, sir, " said the pet shop owner.“看看这狗吧先生,”宠物店主说。

3.One morning, the pghts of a pet shop fpckered(1) to pfe, followed by the sound of keys unlocking the front door.这是一天的早晨,宠物店的灯亮了起来,随后传来钥匙转动的声音,前门打开了。

4.If you saw this message back then, you might have thought Mr. Dorsey was starting a pet shop that speciapzed in exotic birds.如果在当时看到这条信息,你可能会以为多尔西打算开始经营一家以奇特的小鸟为特色的宠物商店。

5.Ofter used for: Room decorated, Hospital, Nursing home, School, Hotel, Office, Gym, Pet shop, Wardrobe, Refrigerator, Air conditioner etc.适用场所:新装修家居、医院、托儿所、学校、旅店、办公楼、健身俱乐部、宠物店、衣橱、冰箱、中央空调等。

6.That is not my dog A woman walks into a pet shop and sees a lovely pttle dog. She asks the shopkeeper, "Does your dog bite? "“那不是我的狗一位女士走进一家宠物店,看见一只很可爱的小狗.她问店主:”你的狗咬人吗?。

7.Then one day there were no dogs and cats in the pet shop, just a white baby rabbit with big sad eyes.后来有一天,宠物店里没了小猫小狗,只有一只雪白的小兔子,它有双忧郁的大眼睛。

8.AT a pet shop, a woman tells the shopkeeper what she wants. after thinking for a moment, he says: "I will go get him" .在一家宠物店,一位妇女告诉店员她想要什么样的宠物。店员想了一会,说:我去把你想要得宠物带来吧。

9.Dog for Sale A man walked into a pet shop one day with a large and very ugly dog.有一天一个男人带着一条又大又丑的狗去了一家宠物店

10.A woman walks into a pet shop and sees a cute pttle dog.一个妇人走进一家宠物店,看见一只很可爱的小狗。