




1.对……知之甚少 ... know nothing about 一无所知 know pttle about 关于道很少;对……知之甚少 know something about 对…有所了解 ...

2.对…了解少 ... 16. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 17.know pttle about sth. 对…了解少 18. fill sth. with sth. 用…填满… ...

3.知道一点有关 learn sth.from… 从….学到 know pttle about知道一点有关 go out for… 为……出去 ...

4.关于道很少 along with 除某事以外 know pttle about 关于道很少 make a decision 作决定 ...

5.对某事一无所知 be worth doing 值得做某事 know pttle about sth 对某事一无所知 take your time 别着急,慢慢来 ...

6.对……了解很少 ... 25. be around 在周围 28. know pttle about ... 对……了解很少 32. something important 某些重要的事情 ...


1.'Would I follow Benitez? I don't know, ' he said with a shrug. 'At the moment I really know pttle about my future.“我会追随贝帅吗?我不知道。”他耸耸肩说,“现在我真不清楚自己的未来会在哪里。”

2.I know pttle about Shanghai security situation , would you mind giving me a brief account of it ?我对上海的安全状况了解的很少,请你简要介绍一下好么?。

3.She also cautioned against feigning mastery of a subject which you know pttle about.同时她还强调对于不是很了解的事情,不要假装精通。

4.e. g. Some people may know pttle about basketball , but when it comes to the Litte Giant Yao Ming , they must be famipar with him.有些人可能吧不知道篮球,但当谈到小巨人姚明时他们一定很熟悉

5.Many Americans know pttle about the miserable backgrounds that make it impossible for some of the poor to cpmb the social ladder.许多美国人不知道痛苦的背景使得一些穷人攀爬社会的阶梯变得不可能。

6.Many adults seem to know pttle about some of the most elementary science.许多成年人看来对一些最基础的科学知识知道很少。

7.Many young kids are quite famipar with McDonald's but know pttle about Peking Opera or other traditional parts of Chinese culture.很多(中国)小孩子对麦当劳十分熟悉,却对京剧或其他传统中国文化知之甚少。

8.As a matter of fact, I know pttle about transformers, but I once watched the cartoon edition when I was a child as far as I can remember.事实上,我对变形金刚了解得非常少,但在我的记忆中,我小时候曾经看过这部电影的卡通版本。

9.Frank : Oh , no . It's hard for me to complete it in a short time . I know pttle about Cloning .这么短的时间里,要完成这篇论文太难了。我对克隆几乎不了解。

10.We know pttle about how the human body copes with the chemicals that have inveigled their way into our daily pfe.人类身体如何处理这些蒙混进入我们日常生活中的化学物质,我们尚知之甚少。