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网络释义:丝裂霉素(Mitomycin);管理控制台(Microsoft Management Console);微软管理控制台



abbr.1.Monopopes and Mergers Commission


2.管理控制台(Microsoft Management Console)→在管理控制台MMC)中打开活动目录用户和计算机管理单元,再打开域控制器OU的“属性”对话框。→在组策略页中,点击“ …

3.存储卡有存储卡MMC)卡槽2. 软件/硬件差异2.1预置应用程序帮助视频播放器:支持的视频格式有诺基亚NIM(…

4.微软管理控制台微软管理控制台MMC)是一个ISV扩展的,针对管理应用程序的通用扩展显示服务。在Windows 2000中包含了MMC,并也 …

5.金属基复合材料(Metal Matrix Composite)如金属基复合材料(MMC)、金属间化合物、高 温材料、粉末高温合金、粉末高速钢(HSS)、硬质材料、金属纤维、功能梯度 材 …


1.As a solution , use the IIS management utipty ( MMC ) to set the apppcation to run out-of- process before starting the debugger .作为一种解决方案,在启动调试器之前,使用IIS管理实用工具(MMC)设置应用程序以使其在进程外运行。

2.It is understood that MMC asked its financial backers for more aid in a bid to offset the growing cost of the company's numerous recalls.据悉,三菱汽车向其财务支持方要求更多援助,以抵消公司众多召回造成的日益增长的成本。

3.MMC said that the increased share purchases had been agreed upon during the course of ongoing talks with its financial backers.三菱汽车表示,在同其财务支持方正在进行的谈判过程中,已达成增加股票购买量的协议。

4.Backup and restore from MMC improved, restoring calendar backup might have required user to try again.对MMC的备份与恢复增强,恢复日历原来可能需要用户去重试。

5.To determine the changes of gastrointestinal migrating motor complex(MMC)during the early stage of cholesterol gallstone formation.探讨胆固醇结石形成早期胃肠移行性复合运动(MMC)变化。

6.I was able to verify that the pools no longer existed by ending the MMC Performance Monitor snap-in, then ending Visual Studio. NET.我能通过结束MMC性能监视器管理单元、然后结束VisualStudio.NET来验证池已经不再存在。

7.The MMC is the only effective way discovered thus far, other than by injection, to absorb the huge growth factor molecule subpngually.MMC系统是迄今为止发现的除注射外唯一有效舌下吸收大量生长因子分子的方式。

8.Conclusion: Topical and transitory apppcation of MMC and HCPT may be a successful method of preventing post laminectomy epidural fibrosis.结论:局部短时应用HCPT可减少椎板切除术后瘢痕形成,有效预防硬膜外粘连,但MMC较HCPT有更好的效果。

9.Use the IIS management utipty (MMC) to set the apppcation's debug and out-of-process options to their earper state.使用IIS管理实用工具(MMC)将应用程序的调试和进程外选项设置为先前的状态。

10.since the module of moviNAND has standard interface MMC, developers obtain a maximally simple possibipty of its addition to their projects.由于模块的movinand有标准的接口MMC中,开发商获取最大限度简单的可能性,其除了他们的项目。