




1.小林 富士施乐打印系统株式会社 Fuji Xerox Printing Systems 小林记录纸株式会社 KOBAYASHI 山本光学株式会社 YAMAMOTO …

6.日本小林 小蜜蜂 HONEYBEE 日本小林 KOBAYASHI 尼肯 NIKEN ...


8.小林合金锯片我司供应日本兼房合金锯片(KANEFUSA),日本小林合金锯片(KOBAYASHI),日本小次郎锯片(SUGIYAMA),台湾大佑合金锯 …


1.Takeru "Tsunami" Kobayashi said he can only open his mouth to make a gap the size of a fingertip after being diagnosed with jaw arthritis.日本大胃王表示呢,现在他的下巴被诊断患有严重的关节炎,现在嘴只能打开指尖那么大。

2.Mr. Kobayashi: As a trading company, Itochu has made most of its profits up to now by importing foreign goods and resources to Japan.小林荣一:作为一个贸易公司,伊藤忠商事目前大部分盈利都是靠进口国外商品和资源。

3.The contest attracts thousands of fans, including a few from Japan, where Kobayashi enjoys tremendous popularity.比赛吸引了成千上万的粉丝,包括小林尊的在日本的粉丝,他在日本享有很高的人气。

4.One of the most popular manga authors is Yoshinori Kobayashi, whose first volume of his series "On War" sold nearly 1m copies.小林善纪是最受欢迎的日本漫画家之一,他的连环漫画“战争论”第一卷就卖了近100万册。

5.Kobayashi: If Papan, you one week campaign two or three times, each time a half-hour stomach will be smaller.小林:如果怕胖,你一个星期运动两、三次,每次半个小时,肚子就会小了。

6.Either way, it's hard to say who'd win in an eating competition between Kobayashi and Cool Hand Luke.无论如何,如果大胃王小林与酷手卢克之间进行一场快吃比赛,我们很难讲哪一方更有胜算。

7.RYOSUKE KOBAYASHI is the only Japanese undergraduate in his year at Harvard University.RYOSUKEKOBAYASHI是他同届日本学生里唯一一个哈佛大学本科生。

8.Mr. Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference.小林先生被选为该公司会议的代表。

9.Has always been between the Kobayashi moved to tears.一直之间,小林感动的哭了。

10.Kobayashi. "In tests on animal models, subcutaneously implanted BAPS have shown excellent induction of new blood vessels. "在动物实验中,皮下植入的BAP已经能够诱导出新生血管。