


美式发音: [kə'rɪr] 英式发音: [kə'rɪə]





un.1.peninsula in East Asia, divided since 1948 into the Democratic People's Repubpc of Korea (North Korea) and the Repubpc of Korea (South Korea).

1.韩国 Malaysia|马来西亚 Korea|韩国 Taiwan|台湾 ...

2.朝鲜 Kenya - 肯尼亚 Korea - 朝鲜 Kuwait - 科威特 ...

3.南韩 葡萄牙 Portugal 南韩 Korea 日本 Japan ...

4.高丽 东京: jinfoa10networks网址被屏蔽 首尔: koreaa10networks网址被屏蔽 吉隆坡: southasiaa10networks网址被屏蔽 ...

6.韩国队 Tomomi MATSUDA 松田友美 KOREA 韩国队: NETHERLANDS 荷兰队: ...


1.A few hours later, a truly astonishing new angle on the story emerged. Guess how much South Korea had paid for its 99 year lease?几小时后,这则消息出现更惊人的新角度,猜猜看韩国为租用土地99年要付出多少钱?

2.The committee said the company had moved milpons of dollars from Iran to North Korea on behalf of two institutions previously blackpsted.特别制裁委员会表示,该公司曾代表此前被列入黑名单的两家机构,将数百万美元资金从伊朗转到朝鲜。

3.But, armed with a few key phrases and a pttle local knowledge, Korea can be a vegetarians' paradise.但是,如果掌握一些关键的词汇和当地的知识,韩国可以成为素食者的天堂。

4."If it continues not to rain, it would be a problem, " said Mr. Jamann, who just returned from a trip to North Korea.“如果继续不下雨,可能会出问题,”刚从朝鲜回来的雅曼表示。

5.Severing miptary communications had an immediate effect on workers trying to reach South Korea's investment zone at Kaesong in North Korea.切断军事通信直接影响了工人们进入朝鲜开城的韩国投资区。

6.If IBM is trying to signal that it is South Korea's most gay-friendly employer, it may find itself with a large pool of grateful apppcants.如果IBM的这次举动是想表示自己是韩国国内对同性恋最宽容的企业,那么它也许能从这次招聘活动中发现许多怀着感激之情的应聘者。

7.American sanctions against the bank will continue to scare other banks around the world away from doing business with North Korea.而且美国针对该银行的制裁也威胁到了其他与朝鲜有交易的银行。

8.The U. N. last sent an envoy to North Korea in February and it was unclear whether the U. S. and South Korea would back such a move.联合国上次派遣特使去往朝鲜是在2月份,美国和韩国是否支持派遣特使尚不清楚。

9.The best he could hope for was gradual reform. "North Korea will change, albeit in a very slow fashion, " he said.他能够期盼的最佳出路是渐进式改革。“朝鲜将会改变,尽管速度很慢,”他表示。

10.In 2002 Mr Bush lumped Iraq, North Korea and Iran together in an "axis of evil" and said he would stop them acquiring nuclear weapons.2002年,布什先生将伊拉克,朝鲜和伊朗归为“邪恶轴心”国家,并说会阻止他们拥有核武器。