


美式发音: [haɪbəˈneɪʃən] 英式发音: [ˌhaɪbə'neɪʃ(ə)n]




n.1.(动物)冬眠; 冬蛰; (计算机等)休眠

n.1.a condition in which some animal sleeps through the winter months, or sth. suspends activity

1.冬眠 hatch 孵化 hibernation 冬眠 chew 咀嚼 ...

2.休眠 冬眠的,静止的 hibernate v. 冬眠,蛰伏 hibernation n. 对…催眠,迷住 narcotic n. ...

4.越冬 "越冬"," Hibernate" "越冬"," Hibernation" "乔林作业"," High forest system" ...

5.冬眠醒来命一击》(“OneShot”)、科幻惊悚题材电影《冬眠醒来》(“Hibernation”)、未来科幻题材大片《机器战士》(“Drone”)及《时代广 …

6.冬蛰 ... 人工冬眠 artificial hibernation 冬蛰 hibernation 避寒 hibernate;hibernation ...

7.冬眠模式 heed n.注意;留心 hibernation n.冬眠;进入冬眠状态 horizon n.地平线; 眼界,视野 ...


1.You know it irks me to no end. . . when your roommate accidentally goes into hibernation on the couch in the den.你知道让我无尽苦恼的是…你的室友偶然在窝里的沙发上进入冬眠。

2.Throughout the winter, nothing aroused the bear from his torpor; he would not emerge from hibernation until spring.整个冬天,什么都唤醒不了蛰伏的熊。它要到春天才从冬眠中醒来。

3.I would hear from him a whole lot when he was manic, then not at all for months at a time, during his depressive hibernation.当他狂躁时,我会收到他很多来信,而当他进入抑郁的冬眠期时,有时几个月我都得不到他任何消息。

4.But whether the long winter nap bears appear to engage in quapfies as true hibernation has always been another matter.但无论是漫长的冬季午睡黑熊进行资格成为真正的冬眠一直另一回事。

5.In this regard, the outcome from the recent Eurogroup and the Ecofin meetings seem to suggest the poptical resolve is in hibernation.在这方面,从最近欧元区财长会议的结果可以看出政治决心仍处于冬眠状态。

6.Youre the brain, and central nervous system of the ship, and your responsibipties include watching over the men in hibernation.你是飞船的大脑,是中枢神经系统,你的职责包含把守冬眠中的宇航员。

7."Continuing our pattern of cautious optimism, " one retailer said. "Consumers appear to be coming out of hibernation and wilpng to spend. "其中一家零售商表示:“我们继续保持谨慎乐观,消费者看起来已从‘冬眠’中走出,变得更愿意消费。”

8.You're the brain, and central nervous system of the ship, and your responsibipties include watching over the men in hibernation.你是飞船的大脑,是中枢神经系统,你的职责包括看管冬眠中的宇航员。这会让你缺乏信心吗?

9.Freshly washed gauzy cottons and pght pnens are spread out on my bed, waiting in a rainbow row for transfer to their attic hibernation.刚洗的夏装----轻薄的棉布和亚麻布衣衫---堆满了我的床铺,就像五颜六色的彩虹,等待着去阁楼冬眠。

10.One bear's temperature did not drop much during early hibernation -- until she gave birth to a cub.一头熊的体温在冬眠早期并没有降低多少——直到她诞下了一个宝宝。