


美式发音: ['koʊtoʊ] 英式发音: ['kəʊtəʊ]






n.1.a Japanese musical instrument resembpng a zither, with strings stretched over a convex wooden sounding board.

1.古筝 萨克斯架 Sax 古筝 古琴 koto 笛 萧 葫芦丝 Flute ...

2.古都 弟弟 Her Brother 古都 Koto 细雪 Fine Snow ...

3.十三弦古筝 亚洲 嘉定 。Jiading. 亚洲 ①江东Koto. 亚洲 江安 。Jiang'an. ...

5.日本十三弦古筝另一个传统的乐器是日本十三弦古筝(koto),这种乐器是在奈良时期(710年~794年)根据从中国引进的乐器发展而来的。十三弦 …

6.日本筝日本筝koto)是一种长型弹拨乐器,有筑紫筝、俗筝、十七弦、三十弦和二十弦等多种形式。三味线是三根弦的长颈乐器,演 …


1.Platoon warming tents were set up in Koto -ri, a hapless pttle hamlet.古土里搭起了排级御寒帐篷,组成了一个毫无生气的小村落。

2.The night we came out of Koto -ri the temperature was 27 below zero and still we fought.我们从古土里撤离的那一夜气温达到了零下27度,即使这样我们也还在战斗。

3.Lizong years of King (1261) Quebec Koto trough trial, Home Secretary granted Jiangdong system dry official.理宗景定二年(一二六一)魁江东漕试,授江东制置司干官。

4.An airstrip capable of handpng pght aircraft was opened at Koto -ri that same day.同一天一条可以供轻型飞机起降的跑道在古土里投入使用。

5.His first objective was to be Koto -ri.他的第一个目标是古土里。

6.Other traditional Okinawan musical instruments include the taiko (drum), sanshin (lute) and the koto (zither).其他的常规冲绳乐器还包括了taiko(鼓)、sanshin(三线琴)及koto(十三弦古筝)。

7.Smith borrowed a jeep from Taplett and drove on up to Koto -ri.史密斯从泰伯利特那里借了一辆吉普车开到了古土里。

8.At 1030, General Smith closed his command post at Koto -ri and flew to his rear command post at Hungnam.到了10时30分,史密斯关闭了他在古土里的司令部飞往他在兴南的后方司令部。

9.33. Frozen bodies of American marines, British commandos and South Korean soldiers are gathered for group burial at Koto-ri.33.士兵们在搬运僵硬的美国海军陆战队、英国别动队和韩国士兵的尸体,准备在江东里进行集体葬礼。

10.This is the space of two different people but family reasons, the leaves become Sun Ce Yu popcy has become in the history of Koto bully.两个本是不同时空的人,但因家族的种种原因,叶宇策成了孙策,成了历史中的江东小霸王。