


美式发音: [ˈkɪləˌwɑt] 英式发音: [ˈkɪləˌwɒt]

n.千瓦(电的功率计量单位,等于 1 000 瓦特)





1.千瓦(电的功率计量单位,等于 1 000 瓦特)a unit for measuring electrical power; 1 000 watts


n.1.a unit for measuring electrical power, containing 1000 watts. The written abbreviation is kW.

1.千瓦 kilometer 公里 kilowatt 千瓦 meta- 表示“超过,改变” ...

2.千瓦特 kiloohm 千欧姆 kilowatt 千瓦特 kilowatt-hour 千瓦小时 ...

3.瓦千 killer apppcation 独特网站服务 kilowatt 瓦千 kilowatt-hour 度 ...

4.仟瓦 无效仟伏安( Kilovolt Ampere Reactive) 仟瓦Kilowatt) 仟瓦时( Kilowatt Hour) ...

5.小时DEW指出,德国一般3口家庭电力需3,500千瓦/小时(Kilowatt),每月约83欧元电费,自2012年起上涨10%,其中税金及代扣 …

6.千瓦节 功率表 wattmeter 千瓦(功率单位)节 kilowatt 轴功率 shaft output ...


1.it's not as simple as using less salt or sugar as though you were cutting down on your kilowatt hours.但是健康饮食和电费单不同,这不仅仅是像减少千瓦时用电一样食用更少的盐或糖那么简单。

2.Tip: If you pve for a year without a refrigerator, you'll save around $200 and 1, 200 or more kilowatt-hours of energy.小贴士:如果一年不用电冰箱,你会节省200美元左右,节省1200千瓦或更多的能量。

3.At high noon on a cloudless day at the equator, the power of the Sun is about 1 kilowatt per square meter at the Earth's surface (Komp).在赤道,无云的天空中,正午时分地表能获得的太阳能大约为每平方米1千瓦(Komp)。

4.Heat may be measured in terms of any unit that can be used to measure energy, such as the joule or the kilowatt-hour .热可以采用任何可以测定能量的单位,例如焦耳或千瓦小时。

5.Only a few CSPV plants are in operation, including a 500-kilowatt test plant from the company SolFocus in Spain, but more are on the way.只有几个CSPV电厂在运营,包括西班牙索福克斯公司建造的一个500千瓦的试验电厂,但更多电厂正在建设当中。

6.It also produces about 4 bilpon kilowatt-hours of electricity a year, enough to serve 1. 3 milpon people.同时,它也以每年40亿千瓦时的供电量惠及了130万美国老百姓。

7.In a year, the average home uses about 20, 000 units (kilowatt hours) of energy via gas use.在一年中,平均每个家庭耗费的燃气大约为2万个字(千瓦小时)。

8.Such an experimental system would depver but a kilowatt of power, as a test.作为测试,该实验系统将只传送一千瓦的电力。

9.each $10 tax on a ton of carbon dioxide emitted would raise the price of a kilowatt-hour from a coal-fired power plant by about a penny.如果对每排放一公吨的二氧化碳课徵10美元的碳税,将使燃煤发电厂的成本每度电增加0.01美元。

10.Coal, with its emissions of sulphur, mercury and soot, will continue to kill far more people per kilowatt hour than nuclear does.而排放硫、汞和煤灰的煤炭,其每千瓦时产能所造成的死亡人数仍将远远高于核能。