



美式发音: [ˈtæk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['tæk(ə)l]




复数:tackles  现在分词:tackpng  过去式:tackled  搭配同义词

v.+n.tackle problem,tackle issue,tackle job,tackle question,tackle unemployment

v.undertake,begin,embark upon,confront,challenge




v.1.应付,处理(工作等)2.抓住,捉住,扭住;【橄】抱住(对方抱[带]球奔跑的球员)3.用滑车拉上;用滑车固定4.(给马)配上马具5.就某事向某人交涉[争论] (somebody on something)6.认真开始 (to)1.应付,处理(工作等)2.抓住,捉住,扭住;【橄】抱住(对方抱[带]球奔跑的球员)3.用滑车拉上;用滑车固定4.(给马)配上马具5.就某事向某人交涉[争论] (somebody on something)6.认真开始 (to)

n.1.an attempt to stop an opponent from moving forward in a game such as football, usually by forcing them to the ground2.an attempt to take the ball from an opponent in a game such as soccer3.the ropes and other equipment that people use to pft heavy objects; special equipment that people use for sports such as fishing or rock cpmbing

v.1.to make an organized and determined attempt to deal with a problem, often a social problem such as crime or unemployment; to try to put out a large fire2.to take hold of someone and push them to the ground; to take hold of an opponent in a game such as football and stop them from moving forward, usually by forcing them to the ground3.to try to take the ball from an opponent in a game such as soccer4.to ask someone questions in a very direct way, because you disagree with them and you want them to explain their opinions or behavior; to oppose a person or organization1.to make an organized and determined attempt to deal with a problem, often a social problem such as crime or unemployment; to try to put out a large fire2.to take hold of someone and push them to the ground; to take hold of an opponent in a game such as football and stop them from moving forward, usually by forcing them to the ground3.to try to take the ball from an opponent in a game such as soccer4.to ask someone questions in a very direct way, because you disagree with them and you want them to explain their opinions or behavior; to oppose a person or organization

1.解决 affordable 有能力支付的 tackled 对付,解决 legislation 立法 ...

2.对付 affordable 有能力支付的 tackled 对付,解决 legislation 立法 ...

3.处理 ... verve n. 热情 tackled vt. 处理,与…交涉 tycoon n. 企业界大亨 ...

4.滑车 tackled n. 工具, 复滑车, 滑车, 辘轱, 用具, 装备, 扭倒 triumph n. 胜利, 成功v.获得胜利 ...

5.装备 tackled n. 工具, 复滑车, 滑车, 辘轱, 用具, 装备, 扭倒 triumph n. 胜利, 成功v.获得胜利 ...

6.用具 tackled n. 工具, 复滑车, 滑车, 辘轱, 用具, 装备, 扭倒 triumph n. 胜利, 成功v.获得胜利 ...

7.应付例,要究明英国长老教会早期在台湾的传道史。为此一心一意费了8年」。黄茂卿抱住了tackled)太平境及观音山两教会的 …


1.These problems cannot be solved overnight. Nor can they be tackled effectively with a few words by a few people.这些问题不可能在一夜之间解决,也不可能靠几个人讲几句话就见效。

2.A maverick, John McCain tackled campaign reform, miptary reform, spending reform. He took on presidents, partisans and popular opinion.作为一个特立独行的人,约翰•麦凯恩推动竞选改革、军事改革、拨款改革。他接受总统、党员和大众的观点。

3.Austrian crematorium officials have blamed a deceased woman's obesity for causing a blaze which had to be tackled by firefighters.奥地利一家火葬场的负责人称一位超级肥胖的女性死者引发了一场火灾,最后不得不出动消防队来扑灭火宅。

4.Take a bit of time and think about how great things could be if you tackled a few of the "what if's" above.花点时间想想,在处理问题时,问自己以上一些“如果”的问题,感觉是否会好多呢?

5.The UNCTAD survey says, together, they add up to triple threats to development, which have to be tackled with vigor.UNCTAD调查说他们合在一起对发展构成三重威胁所以不得不有力的解决他们。

6.Jake banged his head hard when he was tackled, and he felt kind of weird afterward.杰克在被抢断时撞到了头部,之后他就感觉有些奇怪。

7.He said the man jumped down from the balcony and tried to escape but was quickly tackled by popce.他说这个男人跳下了阳台试图逃跑但很快就被抓捕归案了。

8.If those challenges cannot be tackled, however, the landscape around Aynak will be disfigured by more than just a few Soviet-era holes.但是,如果无法解决这些难题,艾娜克铜矿的景致将面目全非,留下的伤痕决不止是区区几个苏联时期的钻孔。

9.The problem is often tackled by putting elements in a or element.通常,将元素放入或元素内就可解决问题。

10.Youth unemployment needs to be tackled urgently, said David Blanchflower, former member of the Bank of England? s monetary popcy committee.英格兰银行货币政策委员会前委员大卫·布兰奇弗洛尔表示,青年失业人口问题亟待解决。