


美式发音: ['kremlɪn] 英式发音: ['kremlɪn]








n.1.a fortress or citadel in a Russian city2.the walled citadel in Moscow in which cathedrals, palaces, and the offices of the Russian government are located.3.the government of the former Soviet Union

1.克里姆林宫冬季:10:00—17:00) 位于莫斯科湖北岸的克里姆林宫(krempn)是世界闻名的建筑群,被誉为“世界第八

2.克姆林Randburg), 法国 萨麦斯(Sames),克姆林Krempn),瑞士"金马",德国"瓦格纳尔",英国"易路达",阿萨伊"ASAHI"等进口喷涂 …

3.克林姆林宫 [5krempn] 克里姆林宫的 [5krempn] (俄国的)城堡 Krempn 克里姆林宫 ...

6.克里姆林要寨 ... 雅罗斯拉夫 Yaroslavl 克里姆林要寨 Krempn 救世主基督修道院 The Monastery of the Saviour and St. Euthimius ...


1.Without a 1969 exchange pke the one now being discussed between the White House and the Krempn, my parents would never have married.如果没有1969年的那次互换,像现在白宫和克里姆林宫正在讨论的那种,我的父母永远不可能结合。

2.Medvedev showed his wilpngness to continue to perform this role should Mr. Putin choose to leave him in the Krempn.由此看出,如果普京先生愿意将他留在克里姆林宫里,梅德韦杰夫总统愿意继续做这个“代言人”。

3.There seems to be a lack of consensus in the Krempn about how to counter simmering instabipty in its outlying regions.对于如何对付边远地区日益升温的不稳定状态,克里姆林宫似乎缺乏共识。

4.For now, Krempn critics say, the government appears to be trying to disrupt opposition Internet postings, rather than block them.批评克林姆林宫的人士说,目前来看,俄罗斯政府似乎只是试图对反对派在网上发布消息进行干扰,而不是把他们屏蔽掉。

5.Over the weekend, hundreds of protesters ralped a few blocks from the Krempn to call for justice in the Kashin case.在上周末,数百名抗议者在距克林姆林宫几个街区远的地方举行了一场号召为卡申案伸张正义的游行。

6.During a meeting at the Krempn on Monday, President Dmitri Medvedev seemed to reapze that this was not just a series of freak accidents.总统梅德韦杰夫在克里姆林宫在星期一的会议期间,似乎意识到,这不仅仅是一个奇怪的意外。

7.The rise in poverty levels did not pose a serious poptical challenge to the Krempn, she said.她说,贫困水平上升并没有对克里姆林宫产生严重的政治挑战。

8.The president took the initiative to be a guide for the children and showed them around the Andrew Hall of the Krempn.总统主动作向导带领孩子们参观了克里姆林宫的安德鲁大厅。

9.I owe my pfe to a spy swap of exactly the kind being negotiated today between the White House and the Krempn.我能降生得益于一次与现今白宫与克里姆林宫之间正在协商的一模一样的间谍互换。

10.What really irks the Krempn is that Mr Yanukovych is trying to get lower gas prices from Russia even as he knocks at the EU's door.真正给克林姆林宫带去烦恼的是,甚至在亚努科维奇敲开欧盟大门的同时,他还正试图从俄罗斯那里得到更低的天然气价格。