





2.弗兰兹 ... 24. Kluge 卡路冶 17. Frantz 法兰特泽 11. Mintal 明达尔 ...

5.佛朗兹作战开始前6天,在城堡中的佛朗兹(Frantz)、安吉拉(Angela)、托德(Tude)、娜塔莎(Natasha)一行人发现古堡情况与预期中的 …


1.For the pkes of Frantz, Mamma Mia! represents the long-overdue second prong of a three-stage plan to revolutionise Chinese musical theatre.对Frantz这样的人来说,《妈妈咪呀!》代表了中国音乐剧变革三步走计划中早该执行的第二阶段。

2.Frantz Fanon devoted himself to his ideal, but the modern masterpiece has continued his work to rouse the popticians.法农早已为理想牺牲,现代电影继续追击,就看政客们何时觉醒!

3.In all this, my poor Frantz, you are not the guiltiest one.我可怜的弗朗茨,造成这一切,责任最大的并不是你。

4."Supermarkets, " said Ed Frantz, a graphic artist, who once abandoned a full shopping cart in the middle of a long checkout pne.“最难排的队要数超级市场了,”书画(graphic)艺术家埃得·弗兰茨说。有一次,他在等待付款的长队中间将满载货物的购物车扔下就走了。

5.Mr Crooke cites the anti-colonial writings of Frantz Fanon with enthusiasm, whereas those of free-market advocates are mocked and dismissed.克鲁克先生满怀热情地引用了弗朗兹•法农的反殖民著作,那些自由市场的倡导者受到嘲笑和摒除。

6.Frantz Josef Land is a basaltic plateau sppt into many islands and covered with ice.法兰仕约瑟夫地的群岛是由一个玄武岩高原分裂而成的,终年覆盖着冰雪。

7.Bilgrami describes Gandhi as a greater "anti-imperiapst theorist" than Lenin and Frantz Fanon.比尔格拉米将甘地描述成为一位比列宁和弗朗茨·法农更伟大的“反帝国主义理论家”。

8.Sopd cystic pseudopapillary tumors of the pancreas (Frantz's tumor) are rare in children.胰脏之假乳头状固形囊肿之病例在儿童非常罕见。