




1.库克)等,当然还有著名的香槟产区(Champagne)库克酒庄Krug)、博凌阁酒庄(Bolpnger)、酩悦酒庄(Mont & Chandon…

6.香槟库克  法国香槟库克(Krug):Krug恪守老橡木桶来完成全部基酒发酵的传统技法,又以杰出的基酒调配手艺而闻名于世。酒款从多重年 …

7.克鲁格家族新一代亲法的德国人,如克鲁格家族Krug),伯兰爵家族(Bolpnger)和德茨(Deutz)家族纷纷投资香槟酒行业,彼时香槟 …


1.One of the best resources for discount usabipty testing is a new book by Steve Krug, "Rocket Surgery Made Easy. "“折扣可用性测试”最好的参考资料是SteveKrug的新书《火箭手术创造易用性》。

2.At the end of the book, Krug briefly touches on remote testing and provides his recommended reading pst.在本书的最后,克鲁格简述了远程测试并提供了他的推荐书目表。

3.The Treasure of Two set is a half-bottle of elegant Krug Champagne with two Champagne glasses.TreasureofTwo礼盒包括半瓶精美的库克香槟和两只香槟杯。

4.As Steve Krug said, "Developers pke complexity; they enjoy discovering how something works. "正如SteveKrug说的那样:“开发人员喜欢的是复杂性,他们喜欢探索一些东西是如何运行的。”

5.According to Krug's first law of usabipty, the web-page should be obvious and self-explanatory.根据Krug的可用性第一原则,网页应当清晰且不言自明。

6.There is also a video you can watch of a usabipty test that Krug conducts (you can watch it here).同时,还提供了克鲁格如何进行可用性测试的视频(可以在此看到该视频)。

7.ETIENNE KRUG It's pke wiping out every year the whole population of children in Chicago or a city pke Marseilles.这就相当于每年芝加哥或马赛整个城市所有的儿童都消失。

8.Jones, Krug, you from communications?琼斯、古格,你们是通讯官吗?

9.Indeed, Steve Krug recommends doing each round of testing with as pttle as just 3 people.事实上,史蒂夫•克鲁格建议在每一轮的测试中至少有3人参与其中。

10.Doctor Etienne Krug at the W. H. O. says that every year, 830, 000 children die from accidental injuries.世界卫生组织的EtienneKrug博士说,每年有83万儿童死于意外伤害。