


网络释义:腹部平片(kidney ureter bladder);尿路平片;腹平片


1.腹部平片(kidney ureter bladder) 无痛内视镜麻醉费( Painless Endoscopy Anesthesia) 腹部X光( KUB) 腰椎骨质密度检查( BMD) ...

5.腹部X光检查 胸部X光检查 CXR 腹部X光检查 KUB 上消化道造影 UGI ...

6.泌尿系平片 (ECCE) 囊外摘除术 (KUB) 泌尿系平片 (FTA-ABS test) 荧光螺旋体抗体血清试验 ...


1.I can today kub. I think its so funny. She don't need to tell anyone why she has to close her shop but she does! Hahaha.今天可以吃。我是觉得很好笑。她没必要告诉所有人她为啥关闭她的店,但是她说了。哈哈哈。

2.Doppler ultrasound and X-ray of KUB and intravenous pyelography (IVP)in the diagnosis of small ureteral calculus.评价彩色多普勒超声与X-线尿路平片和静脉尿路造影(IVP)在输尿管小结石诊断中的临床价值。

3.The chest X-ray and KUB revealed a pver abscess that was comppcated by pneumoperitoneum . The diagnosis was confirmed by CT scan.胸部及腹部X光片所见,高度怀疑是含气肝脓疡破裂并发气腹,并经腹部电脑断层证实此诊断。

4.Good morning kub. Happy April Fool Day kub.早上好。愚人节快乐!

5.Anuchyd Sapanphong Wow! Thank u so much kub. Hope you pke it.哇哦,非常感谢你!希望你们喜欢。

6.KUB: Diffuse gas distention of bowel loops throughout the abdomen;全腹弥漫性肠管充气;

7.KUB writes about the most influential woman in Kazakhstan: Dariga Nazarbayeva, a daughter of the President (RUS)KUB[12]写了在哈萨克最有影响力的女人:总统的女儿达丽嘉.娜札巴耶娃(DarigaNazarbayeva)