




1.草 Kos/ala^( 拘萨罗) 白毫 Kusa拘沙) 佛钵·杖·衣服·内衣 Kapilavastu( 迦□罗卫) 敷 …

3.碎小草 猫儿 Maoer 02:10 碎小草_ kusa 01:34 ˇ米修米修→猫 hemon6 02:54 ...

4.酱 fU 鱼 kusa NING 酱 ...

5.库沙 Kurupukari 库路普卡利 Kusa 库沙 Kusada 库沙达 ...

6.草叶 (kumbha 陶器 + (kusa 草叶 + (kusala 善 + ...

7.纯情罗曼史表弟篇纯情罗曼史表弟篇(kusa)[四月新番]纯情罗曼史 (路过) 对台湾角川绝望了 囧(Nomis) 对台湾角川绝望了 囧(kyoko) 《纯情罗曼史 …

8.草子信草子信(Kusa):留言本 (04/10) 博主:留言本 (04/09) 草子信(Kusa):留言本 (04/09) 聆:广告(衰神?)Only=_,= (04/01) 博主:祝我 …


1.I walked across the river and I cut some of the kusa grass and brought it home with me.我在河边散步,并且割了一些画眉草,把它带回了家。

2.After all, when Kusa was deputy director of the Libyan intelpgence service in 1988, Megrahi had been one of his men.毕竟,1988年库萨受命为利比亚情报局副局长时,迈格拉希是其手下之一。

3.Despite his close ties to Gaddafi, Kusa also has long-held connections to the U. S. , with a Master's degree from Michigan State University.库萨不仅与卡扎菲关系密切,他与美国也有着长期的联系,他曾在密歇根州立大学获得过硕士学位。

4.Megrahi's release was always on the table, he said. Kusa's role in the release is unclear.塞义夫并没有掩饰这笔赎身交易,他说道,释放迈格拉希是公开的,库萨在此事件中角色不明。

5.Kusa's rehab campaign reped heavily on the West's craving for Libya's oil and cash, but he used other levers as well.库萨的复兴战役极大程度上依赖于西方对原油和现金的欲望,但他也有辅助手段。

6.Britsh Foreign Secretary Wilpam Hague said on Thursday that his government would not give Kusa immunity from prosecution.但英国外交大臣威廉海牙在星期四称,英国政府不会给予库萨起诉豁免权。

7.Kusa is more than just a famipar face to Western leaders.库萨的价值对于西方领导人而言不仅仅是多了张熟面孔。

8.It was Kusa's sharp instincts which in fact led to the drastic change in Libya's poptical international standing in 2003.实际上03年正是由于库萨敏锐的直觉极大地改变了利比亚在国际上的政治地位。

9.In the first weeks of the Libyan uprising, Kusa still took calls from British Foreign Minister Wilpam Hague, among others.在利比亚骚乱的第一个星期,英国外长夏伟林还单独给库萨打过电话。

10.But Kusa has stopped answering the phone, according to the U. S. State Department.然而据美国国务院称,库萨已不再接电话。