




1.库伊特 ... LUCAS 卢卡斯 KUYT 克伊特 RIERA 列拉 ...

4.号库伊特 ... 6号范博梅尔 Van Bommel 7号库伊特 Kuyt 8号德容 Nigel de Jong ...

5.古治 15 高治 Crouch 18 古治 Kuyt 19 赖恩巴布 Ryan Babel ...

6.库艾特mpard)、法国亨利(Henry)及席丹、荷兰的库艾特(Kuyt)及范博梅尔(Van Bommel)、多哥的阿格博(Agboh)等,也都被点名。


1."He has not asked me about returning. He knows that I'm not ready to leave Liverpool, " added Kuyt.“是的,他还没有邀请我现在就回归荷兰。因为现在的我仍没有离开利物浦的打算,”库伊特坦言。

2.Dirk Kuyt, par excellence, is a team player, " he said. " He is the example of a true and genuine team player.库伊特是最卓越超群的一个,他是个团队球员,是团队球员的真实、正确模范。

3."It was an unbepevable day and first of all I have to say it was a great team performance from the lads, " Kuyt told Liverpoolfc. tv.“真是不可思议的一天,首先我要说的是全队都表现的很出色,”裤子说。

4.You could see on TV that Kuyt blocked Kalou with his hands and he could not track the other player (Agger), who scored. This was decisive.从电视上看,库依特拉住了卡劳,让他无法防守另外那个进球的球员(阿格尔)。这个动作很关键。

5.Kuyt said: "I had a second scan and the doctor has now told me that they do not need to operate on my ankle. That is such a repef. "裤子说“我刚接手第二次的扫描,医生告诉我他们不用帮我动手术了,这真的让我松了一口气”

6.Germany or Spain now stand in Holland's way of World Cup success - and Kuyt admits it's an 'incredible feepng' to be so close to glory.德国或西班牙现在就站在荷兰夺取世界杯的路上,库伊特承认,如此接近这项荣誉,那是种“难以置信的感觉”。

7.Kuyt said: "The main thing today was to show character. The clean sheet was fabulous. We are really happy. "库伊特说道:“今天最重要的就是我们展现了我们的斗志,零失球才是美妙的,我们真的非常高兴。”

8.Dirk Kuyt has spoken of his desire to extend his stay with a rejuvenated Liverpool.裤子最近表达了他希望留在利物浦的渴望。

9."It's really good to have them back and it's good to see all the other lads also, " said Kuyt.“他们的回归实在太好了,同时还有看到其他的小伙子们也回来了。”库伊特说道。

10.And although Kuyt has signed for the long-term, he admits there are also short-term aims to achieve over the remainder of this season.尽管库神已经签下了长期合同,但他仍然承认在本赛季余下的比赛中还有短期目标需要达成。