


网络释义:了解商品(Know Your Product);皎基;快易拍


1.了解商品(Know Your Product)的KYC(Know Your Customer)、KYPKnow Your Product)、最后也是最重要的KYS(Know Your-Self)理念为我们打 …

2.皎基 ... Sha'kel 沙凯尔 Kyp 基普 Lar Le'ung 拉·勒翁 ...

7.压缓冲器支座 150733 脚架安装件 HP-40 158913 液压缓冲器支座 KYP-80 33969 真空安全阀 ISV-1/8 ...


1.Possessed by the dark side, Kyp was determined to be the first new Dark Lord since the deaths of the Emperor and Vader.基普受到黑暗面的支配,决心成为继皇帝和维德死后第一个新黑暗尊主。

2.Seeing a capable youth easy to exploit, Kun whispered promises of power to Kyp and was secretly training him.发现一个易于引诱的出色青年后,库恩悄悄对基普许诺能让他获得强大力量,然后秘密训练他。

3.Kyp launched the Sun Crusher's resonance torpedoes into Carida's sun, triggering a chain reaction that would destroy the system.他向卡里达的恒星发射了“灭日者”的共振鱼雷,引发了摧毁这个星系的连锁反应。

4.Dissension in the Jedi ranks spread as the more proactive Knights -- pke Kyp Durron -- urged direct confrontation against the enemy.绝地武士团中分歧越来越深,比较激进的武士,如基普·达伦,纷纷号召与敌人直接交锋。

5.Kyp not only failed to rescue Zeth, but was the unwitting agent of his sole surviving relative's death.基普不仅没有能挽救泽思,而且无意中成为了杀死他唯一在世亲人的罪魁祸首。

6.Kyp would become one of the founding members of this new governing body of the Jedi order.基普将成为这个绝地武士团新管理机构的创始人之一。

7.Kyp confronted Skywalker on Yavin 4 and used his dark side energies to knock Luke into a coma.基普在雅文4号卫星单挑天行者,用他的黑暗面能量将卢克打晕。

8.The years of hardship had tainted Kyp, though.不过,多年的艰辛生活扭曲了基普的心理。

9.The passive definition of differential-algebraic systems and KYP property definition are proposed.提出了微分代数系统无源的定义以及KYP特性的定义。

10.Kyp was easily the most powerful, and he quickly grew impatient at Skywalker's pace of instruction.基普轻易脱颖而出,他很快对天行者的训练进度感到不耐烦。