


美式发音: 英式发音: [fau]





faoabbr.— see alsoattn

1.(书面语)请…注意;(文件或书信用语)由…处理,由…办理used in writing to mean‘for the attention of’ (written on a document or letter to say who should deal with it)


na.1.同“Food and Agriculture Organization”

n.1.[International Organizations ]Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

na.1.for the attention of: written in front of someones name on a document, letter, or envelope to show that it is intended for them2.Same as Food and Agriculture Organization

1.联合国粮农组织nd 瑞士日内瓦 世界银行 World Bank Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 粮农组织(FAO) 世界卫生组织(WHO) (WHO) …

6.联合国粮食和农业组织第三次联合国粮食和农业组织FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)召开的联合食品添加剂和污染物会议,镰刀菌毒素与黄曲霉毒 …

7.联合国农粮组织据联合国农粮组织FAO)一九八四年的报告指出,世上有五亿人吃不饱,比十年前情况更坏,因为十年前世上只有三亿人挨 …


1.The FAO's call came as countries around the world continued to take unilateral measures to protect local food markets.目前,全球各国仍在继续采取单边措施,保护当地食品市场。

2."FAO will scale up its support on a number of low-income food deficit countries, especially those facing prolonged crisis, " he said.达席尔瓦说:“联合国粮农组织将加强对一些缺粮低收入国家的支持,尤其是那些面临长期危机的国家。”

3.FAO reminded consumers that avian influenza is not a food-borne disease and that the bird flu virus is killed by the heat of normal cooking.粮农组织提醒消费者注意,禽流感不是食物传播的疾病,正常烹调的温度即可杀死禽流感病毒。

4.Domestic organic certification through the FAO, only one of the two tea brands, Greater China is the only designated procurement varieties.国内经过联合国粮农组织有机认证,仅有两在有机茶品牌之一。大中华区唯一指定采购品种。

5.FAO senior economist Abdul ceremony Sae Ba Xian, said: "the high oil prices and food prices continued to form a vicious cycle. "粮农组织资深经济学家阿卜杜勒礼萨·阿巴西安说:“油价和粮价持续居高,形成了恶性循环。”

6."This was one of the main gaps identified in our present scientific knowledge, " said Joseph Domenech, FAO's chief veterinary officer.“这是我们现有知识中所能确定的主要差距之一,”粮农组织首席兽医官JosephDomenech说。

7.FAO is now working on a much more comprehensive analysis of emissions from food production, he said.粮农组织目前在从事一项粮食生产排放的综合分析工作,应该今年年底完成。

8.The Libyan representative accused the FAO of serving poptical interests and said there was no scientific basis for the psting.他说:“利比亚代表指责联合国粮农组织为政治利益服务,并声称把蓝鳍金枪鱼列入禁止买卖的名单缺乏科学依据。”

9.Again, this loss does not show up in the FAO's figures, and the resulting emissions are considered to be natural, not man-made.又一次,其损失数额没有出现在联合国粮农组织的统计中,导致的温室气体排放被看作是自然现象,而不是人为造成的。

10.Abdolreza Abbassian, senior grains economist at the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation in Rome, said the USDA report was "alarming" .联合国粮农组织(FAO)驻罗马高级谷物经济学家阿普杜勒礼萨•阿巴斯安(AbdolrezaAbbassian)表示,美国农业部的报告“令人震惊”。